[hider=Reyna Rowe - A.K.A. Arachne] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190921/ebc4310e2ad833bc5e5178fc35f890f7.png[/img][/center] [center] [b]How old are you?[/b] [color=ed1c24]19[/color] [b]What do you look like?[/b] [b][u][color=ed1c24]Appearance[/color][/u][/b] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/558670401048412183/625013359829450762/image0.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=ed1c24]Costume[/color][/u][/b] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/558670401048412183/625013359829450761/image1.jpg[/img] [b]What did you do before the Recluse incident?[/b] [color=ed1c24]Life was much simpler when I was younger. It wasn’t a fairytale, just average at best but that had been enough for me. It was when my mother got sick that everything started to change for the worse. Hospital visit after hospital visit. My mom not able to work anymore and my father barely making it by. He started disappearing more, coming home either drunk as hell or in a fowl mood late into the evening but pretending everything was fine while in my mother’s presence. It was like I was forgotten, all on my own and trying to navigate the world. I found more often than not that I was locked out of my own home so I found myself wandering a park or going to the nearby ice skating rink to watch, trying to find something to keep me busy till I could go home. This went on for years until suddenly, everything changed....my father seemed happier, things started to seem normal again, I wasn’t alone anymore and I hoped that meant that mom was getting better. I was able to do more after school activities, not understanding at the time we shouldn’t be able to afford to do them. My mom’s hospital bills were being paid on time and while my father still stayed out a bit late, he seemed to be doing better. Everything would be as it was and the nightmare from before would be over. It didn’t end up being that way though. One night, I found myself dragged from bed in the middle of the night by a stranger. I tried to fight, squirm to get away, cry out, call for help but it was all for nothing. Instead, I was slapped harshly with my attacker telling me to shut up as I was continuously pulled like a rag doll to the living room. The first view being my father strapped to a chair, blood everywhere, beaten and scared when his eyes met mine. I found no words now, fear and panic twisting in my gut as I was threatened with a cold knife pressed to my throat. I could barely hear, the blood rushing to fast in my ear as the attackers spoke to my father. He was to start paying back the money he had borrowed, no more delays or trying to sneak on by. They left, leaving me to deal with the mess my father was. He forced me not to call the cops, saying all of our lives depended on keeping this all a secret. I found myself roped into and forced to steal, my father saying it was our only way. He explained they would be like Robin Hood, stealing for a good reason. It never felt right. I felt horrible. If I tried to stop though, I was met with violence and that wasn’t any better. It wasn’t even a month later that my mom passed away after her long struggle and I felt it was a punishment for what we were doing. It didn’t matter though, we weren’t allowed to stop. It wasn’t until my high school years that we finally had enough stolen items sold off to finish the debt. I hoped we could wash our hands of it and move forward. My father didn’t seem to think so. He fell back into old ways, drinking and stealing. He was sloppy and started to draw attention. The second he tried to rope me into that lifestyle again, I suddenly found myself couch hopping. I would stay with friends or crash with band mates so that I didn’t have to see him. Didn’t have to be a part of his screw ups while I tried to make a life for myself. I needed to get a scholarship if I wanted to do anything college wise and even if I didn’t make it then a criminal record would not be a good start. They had been really lucky so far. I was skilled at thievery and planning but it wasn’t the life I wanted for myself. It was no surprise to me when I found out my father had been arrested. Cops bothering me to see if I had any information and to see if I had been a part of it in any way. I was able to weasel out of it but it had been an annoying process. They kept a close eye on me after that. After high school, I pretty much signed up for anything and everything job wise. I needed a place of my own or at least enough to help a room mate since couches would not be an option any longer. I would have started on a job sooner but with my...[i]other[/i] activities, it had been impossible. I turned out getting work as an office assistant which isn’t really my style and I hate it but it pays very well. Honestly, if I could be a hero all the time then I would. I feel like I have no freedom and there is something freeing about watching over others and making sure they are safe.[/color] [b]What happened after the incident?[/b] [color=ed1c24]Super Strength: 10 Agility: 20 Durability: 10 Regeneration: 20 Spider-Sense: 10 Mutation(s): 30 [u][b]Webs[/b][/u] - She can produce organic webs from her wrists [u][b]Hallucinogenic Poison Secretion[/b][/u] - She produces a poison that causes hallucinations. This comes in a form of a powder like substance that can be gathered or transferred onto another person. It can also be added to her own breath and spit, breath being the most effective for spreading. [u][b]Paralyzing Bite[/b][/u] - She has fangs that produce a paralyzing agent that takes effect when introduced or injected into the blood stream. [u][b]Healing[/b][/u] - She can heal very minor cuts, scraps, and also the bite marks she creates. You get stabbed, shot, or are heavily bleeding....don’t expect her to be able to do anything about it with this power. [/color] [b]Do you believe in aliens?[/b] [color=ed1c24]The world is full of mystery and infinite possibilities so I believe there is a chance that aliens exists. I am not holding my breath on ever meeting one but I do believe it is possible so I won’t dismiss it.[/color] [b]What are your goals for the future?[/b] [color=ed1c24]I don’t know if I have any real goals. I mean, I eventually want to go to college so I can get somewhere but at the same time...I don’t really want to get rid of my unrealistic dreams. Sure, it is silly but I would love for my band to make it to the big times or to be an Olympic ice skater since I have the talent but those seem too far from my reach. It would be best to go to college and work somewhere mundane. I mean, you can only be a hero now and then. Real life doesn’t stop so I’m not gonna put all my hopes into that but it is nice to help people. [/color] [b]You lived in New York for a while now, right? What do you think of the city?[/b] [color=ed1c24]It’s never boring, that is for sure. It is a little crowded and wild but I think that is a part of its charm. It gives you unexpected gifts and also complete frustration. You can find everything you need here. [/color] [b]How much technology do you use on a daily basis?[/b] [color=ed1c24]Oh boy....do I have to answer this? I feel embarrassed to say I am glued to my phone a lot. I am forever texting or looking up some sort of information. I love music and it is often that my headphones are in to enjoy. I do videos, writing and more in my free time which require technology. I mean, I am not sure I could live without movies or video games either. I also have to use it for work so that kind of makes it impossible to cut down the amount of use. [/color] [b]What do you like?[/b] [color=ed1c24] - Ice Skating - Basketball - Spicy Foods - Video Games - Reading - Mysteries - Writing - Art - Rain - Music - Cooking [/color] [b]What do you dislike?[/b] [color=ed1c24] - Ironically, spiders. - Lairs - Bullies - Hospitals - Cops - Drunks - Small spaces - Tomatoes - Flirts - Perfection - Milk [/color] [b]Do you think true evil exists?[/b] [color=ed1c24] Yes, some people do bad things for what they believe is a good reason but some people, the truly evil people of the world...just want to watch the world burn. [/color] [b]What’s your favorite color?[/b] [color=ed1c24] Red [/color] [b]Favorite song?[/b] [youtube]https://youtu.be/KR-eV7fHNbM[/youtube] [b]Anything else to add?[/b] [color=ed1c24] - Plays guitar and sings - Visits her mother’s grave every year on the anniversary of her death - Has a small black cat - Can easily pick locks, pickpocket, etc. - Knows how to draw but is not confident in her skills [/color] [b]What are your thoughts on these people?[/b] [color=black][center][u]Jiji - cat/furbaby[/u][/center]Jiji has saved my life from utter loneliness since the day we met. I had been out on the small apartment balcony reading when I fell asleep, only to awaken with a tiny ball of fur curled up on my lap. He looked more than a little worse for the wear with his eyes gunked up, flea infested, and each rib clearly visible. He was so tiny that I thought he would break if I touched him. I couldn’t bare myself to move so instead I looked up what it would take to look after the little guy or what I could do to help. I had planned to get him into shape and find him a good home but the moment he opened his eyes, looking at me with that soft mew and purring happily just to be near me....that is when I knew he had my heart. He has been my baby boy since then and I would do anything to make his life happy and easy. He is always there when I need him and I will never abandon him in his time of need.[/color] [color=ed1c24]TDB[/color] [/center] [/hider] Hey [@EnterTheHero], here is my character submission! Let me know if you want anything changed.