The last piece is the eyepatch. It suggests motive for joining the Order: if you’re missing one anyway, why go through regrowth therapy when you have the perfect opportunity to get an [i]upgrade?[/i] The strap breaks the silhouette of her green bangs, and the skull-molded cap sits perfectly from the bridge of her nose to the corner of the socket, hiding that unnatural blue. Nobody will give her a second look; she’s just a spunky little acolyte here to fetch and carry and transcribe for her master. “To the end, follow the Path,” she says, bowing with one arm crossed over her chest. “Your will be done, Navicularius Saeculāris.” Captain, not of the Order. It is amazing what little bits manage to stick in her head, isn’t it? There might actually be a chance she manages to stay incognito, as long as Iskarot can keep an eye on her and nobody pleads for heroic assistance within earshot and also someone distracts Hera. Which is unlikely, but tantalizingly [i]possible.[/i]