[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181012/ad7d1ac9cb16e5ae0b355f0d3152a846.png[/img][hr][color=gray][b]Village of Kotana[/b][/color][hr][/center]The idea that they may have to spend a few hours under the tutelage of Honami and Ipharia did amuse her a bit. From the videos she'd seen, horse riding wasn't as simple as they make it seem in movies. Still, it would be to their advantage if they could naturally do it thanks to the blessing of whatever deity had brought them here. The sooner they find out why they were summoned to this world, the sooner they'd be able to figure out how to get back. If it was possible. [b][color=f26522]"Makes me think I've taken our own modes of transportation for granted now that it isn't available."[/color][/b] Hiroko admitted. She placed her hands inside her pockets, fiddling with the lighter. She wondered if this world would ever advance technologically as theirs did. After all, with the availability of magic, there were certain machines that could just be replaced with magic. But considering they weren't teleporting all over the place, she guessed machinery for transportation might not be as far fetched as she originally thought. The technology here isn't that advanced but it was showing a lot of promise at least. [b][color=f26522]"An arquebus?"[/color][/b] She repeated curiously, the word unfamiliar to her.