[@Jing] Heya, just want to let you know that the fog/regret event and the Starweaver wake up call are two seperate event. They can certainly happen at the same time, but if this is the case, can you go ahead and add some clarification that they are two seperate events, because it doesn’t read like that to me in your CS. Next thing is power. We’re just gonna do some adjustments for the sake of balancing. So if you have watched the 2008 Jumper movie, we would prefer a teleportation power like that. Basically, no visually/remotely teleportation. If he wants to teleport, he touches the things/people and takes them with him. Also please make the power works only for tangible things, no intangible or power teleportation. Let’s also set a limit to what he can teleport, so maybe a dude/a dog is easy no big sweat, but a full sized fridge is hard and a car is gonna hurt your back a lot. Self-teleportation has the same limits. He needs to see the locations he’s going to (postcards, pictures, maps) and it has to be within a reasonable distance. So maybe just teleporting downtown or a couple of city blocks, not breaking a sweat. But do that for a while and you get tired. From cities to cities that are kilometres away, that’s far more tiring and you need to rest up for a while. Anything further than that probably kill you. We’re not gonna hard enforce hard distances/durations during actual IC gameplay. Just be reasonable and it’s all good. Also the discord link at the front page is fixed.