[hider=Clara Cabello] [center][color=red][h2]All right, let’s take it from the top, one more time…[/h2][/color] [color=orange][b]What’s your name?[/b] Clara Cabello. [b]How old are you?[/b] 19 years! [b]What do you look like?[/b] Eh, somethin' like this. [hider=Clara Cabello] [s]( art work blatantly stolen from Anya Corazon, no relation) [/s][img]http://www.comicbookreligion.com/img/a/n/Anya_Corazon.jpg[/img][img]https://imgur.com/uZVxzc6.jpg[/img] [/hider] My hair was actually brown before the incident. I like to think I'm pretty ripped- gotta nice figure, right? Well, I need to stay in shape for my work. I'm like, average height. 5'7 or somethin, I can't remember. [b]What did you do before the Recluse incident?[/b] I ran away from home before my mother killed herself with her bad habits, and dragged me down with her. That was, uh, a while ago. She was a piece of human garbage, you know? Never met my dad but I wouldn't be surprised if I had run into him at some point without knowing it, haha. So, what, I had to make do. Never did have a job or an education growin' up, I did what I had to do. No way was I going into the system. You'd be surprised how much work is out there for a quick little girl like me. I always was a good thief. I did that for a few years. Got beat up a few times- so what? I beat up a few people myself. Ran into some twerp. Little kid named Alejandra- all alone like me. Stupid little shitbag ain't nearly as good as it I am. Dunno why I stuck out my neck for her- but me and her run together now, I guess. That was a couple years ago. ...She's really the only family I got, I think. I ran pretty much by myself for a long time. I was, uh, a nobody. Alejandra's smart. Too smart. Too smart to be out here all by herself like me- but whatever. Neither of us are changin'. Rather die than end up in the fuckin' system- both of us can tell you that. She's like 18 now or somethin'. She watches my back and I watch hers. She usually set up the plans, and I executed them. Me an' her made bank compared to when we were by ourselves. Lots of money in grand theft auto- I don't have a liscence but I'm a great driver. Alejandra taught me how to break in and hotwire 'em, though. She even got her hands on one of them credit card swiper thingies- I dunno how they work. Man you don't even know- we made a great team. Still do. By the way, I call her AJ. Her last name is Jonas, and the nickname AJ is like- a thing- so why not? [b]What happened after the incident?[/b] Super Strength: 5 Agility: 50 Durability: 0 Regeneration: 0 Spider-Sense: 40 Mutation: 5 Palette Swap So, yeah. When I think real hard, I can change the color of my skin and hair. It's pretty cool. Pretty much no one can identify me, now. I can get really specific with it, too, like giving myself tattoos. When I'm not doing it on purpose, it can happen by itself. Mainly to my hair. AJ guesses that it has to do with my emotional state. So I dunno why my normal hair color is red? --- I thought I was done for. I'd never felt so shitty- I was looking for an easy mark at ESU when boom, terror attack. We weren't the only ones, either. All sorts of freaks like me were walkin' around town- and some of 'em had some nasty shit. Webs, though. AJ has been workin' on a way to make me have some web, too, but fake ones. Which is good, because that stuff comin' outta me sounds gross as fuck. God damn, she is so smart. I dunno what I'd dp without her. New York has no idea what's about to hit it. One small problem. After the attack, AJ had to take me to the hospital. Not just like, a regular hospital. A black market hospital. Run by crooks. Normally, I got no problem with it. In this case? Yeah, not so much. The doctor took a sample of my blood, and he noticed the mutation. He said treating me was risky and dangerous and creepy because my body kept changin' color. Either way he used it a a fuckin' excuse to way way mark up the prices. We couldn't afford it. So now he's got us in his pocket and tryin' to screw over the both of us. Most of our cash is goin' to him. AJ's tryin' to invent new things to help us get the money. But I know what we really need to do is figure out a way to get rid of him. But that's later. Right now I'm havin' a good time. Sure, I'm in debt, but that's just slowin' us down. Nothin' can [i]stop[/i] us. [b]Do you believe in aliens?[/b] What? No. Maybe? I dunno, I never really thought about it. [b]What are your goals for the future?[/b] Get rid of our debt. Then? Take the big apple for all it's worth. People are gonna remember us. [b]You lived in New York for a while now, right? What do you think of the city?[/b] It's my home. I was born here, and I'll die here. I know the streets like the back of my hand. [b]How much technology do you use on a daily basis?[/b] I got a little flip phone- personally I don't really use much. That's more AJ's thing. She's got this little toolkit she tinkers with, they made my web shooters. We're gonna get her a laptop and a brand new phone and all that shit. [b]What do you like?[/b] Money. Alejandara. Uh, not necessarily in that order. This list ain't in order, it's more of a vague kind of- you get it. Hot dudes. You know it. Freedom! No one can keep me down or inside. I do my own thing. Coming out on top. I like winning...like I said, this list ain't in order. I think I like winnin' more than anything else. [b]What do you dislike?[/b] Poverty. I'm never gonna be broke again. Ever. The system- the man, the god damn- society? Fuck it. It's stupid. I do what I want. Cops 'n all that shit can go fuck itself. 'Specially the cops- pigs. Losing. I don't lose, okay? I win. Heroine. [b]Do you think true evil exists?[/b] Huh? I dunno? What kinda question is that? [b]What’s your favorite color?[/b] Orange! [b]Theme Song[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDhObIqe_-c&list=PLxdQ_fTa2Dcub06ycqdiWTjCY1vv-RE6j&index=19&ab_channel=YONAKAMusic[/youtube] [b]Anything else to add?[/b] Spiders, man. Wasn't my idea to go with the spider shirt, but AJ insisted it looked cool. Maybe she's right. Spiders are pretty badass. [b]What are your thoughts on these people?[/b] Alejandra Jonas- She's my family. Like my little sister or somethin'. I...I mean, don't say this around her, but I'd do anything for her. Anything. I don't know what I'd do without her. Being by myself again...I don't think I could do that. She's gotta be the smartest dumbass I've ever met. She's taught me a lot, and hopefully I've done right by her so far. The two of us deserve more than we got, that's for sure. I'm gonna take it. [/color][/center] [/hider] [hider=Alejandra Jonas] [color=f49ac2][b]What’s your name?[/b] Alejandra Jonas. You can just call me AJ. [b]How old are you?[/b] I just turned eighteen. [b]What do you look like?[/b] Here. [hider=AJ] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/6/60/Barbara_Rodriguez_%28Earth-616%29_from_Spider-Men_II_Vol_1_1_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170724001846[/img] (this time I stole Barbara Rodriguez) [/hider] I like to wear coats. Cargo coats, with lots of pockets for lots of useful things. Dunno why women's clothing so rarely has pockets. Plus, cargo coats are easily reusable, durable, and help keep me warm. Underneath, just some t-shirts, jeans, sneakers, usual stuff. When I can, I put on black eyeliner and lipstick, cause I'm cool like that. My right nostril and ears are both pierced, I think it looks cool. Generally I like to wear a beanie of some kind too. My hair is black and it's chest length. I just wear it down. Sometimes I comb it? [b]What did you do before the Recluse incident?[/b] Nobody knows this- not even Clara. I told her my parents are dead, but in reality they're still alive. Super rich, too. Thing is, I'm never going back. Never. No one would understand why if I told them. Why would I rather live on the streets with some random girl? Why would I ever do that? 'Cause they're assholes, thats why. They don't understand me at all, I don't even know if they understand human emotion. I was always a smart kid, and for some reason that meant they had the right to take my life away. Nothing I did was ever good enough for them. If my parents ever told me he loved me, I don't remember it. All my childhood was spent indoors, studying. Looking at books, all god damn day. I got sick of it. I was 16 when I ran away- I had been in college for 3 years already at that point. Can you believe that? 13 years old and already in college. I was depressed. I'm sure there's some kids out there who are so happy to be hardworking and dilligent, always getting their work done and being a doctor at 21. Then they get to retire as soulless sociopaths who's never made a meaningful connection in their life. Being a doctor, or a lawyer, getting a spouse, having two kids, retire, die. A cog in the machine. All they cared about was hoarding their money, and getting more money. No thanks. I wanted to live, really live. So I ran away. Never felt so free in my life. I was already forced to learn everything I needed too, anyway. To be honest, it was a bad idea. But I saw it as my only option. Now, I don't have any regrets. I became a thief. I was on the streets for six months when I ran into Clara. I had gotten caught pick pocketing and these assholes were probably going to beat the shit out of me for fun. I probably deserved it- I was a really bad thief. I was all dirty, poor. If I went anywhere for help they would just drag me back to my parents. They don't live in Manhattan, but I figured it was the perfect city to get lost in and make a path for myself. Clara saved me, point blank. Not only from those guys by stabbing them in the kidneys with a pocket knife, but she really saved my life. If I hadn't met her I'd probably already be dead. One way or another. Turns out she and I make a good team. A really good team. She's my best friend. Like an older sister. She taught me a lot, and I tried to teach her some things but she says its not really her area of expertise. I get it. Unlike me, she grew up poor. First person I ever met to see me as who I really was, and not as some kinda pet project or investment. For two years she and I worked the streets together, and we're building a life. She and I already had big ambitions. But that was before the Recluse Incident. That was what really changed our lives. I feel bad about lying to Clara about my past. I guess I'm just afraid if I tell her the truth, she'll see me as some rich kid. A liar. And who could blame her? I've met rich kids. They suck. Most of 'em, anyway. I did have a couple friends I miss. [b]What happened after the incident?[/b] Clara got superpowers. Just like in the comic books I read. Neither of us could believe it, but neither of us could deny that she could stand on the ceiling and catch a ball thrown at the back of her head without looking. After that, she started raking in the cash big time. I knew I was smart, but I had forgotten how smart I actually was. I don't mean to brag, but I'm basically a technological goddess. I'm joking, of course, but engineering 101 paid off. I mean I already knew everything they had to teach me, but that's besides the point. I'm pretty sure I started developing some world changing technology. Either way, I kept it to myself and it made Clara a force to be reckoned with on the streets. We're going to make money. BIG TIME. Once we pay off that doctor, it'll all be good. [b]Do you believe in aliens?[/b] No. [b]What are your goals for the future?[/b] After making a boatload of money and getting free? I'm not sure. Maybe Clara and I could start making the world a better place, or something. Where kids can be kids and everyone isn't so damn selfish. I know that's ironic coming from someone like me. But seriously.. One thing I'm never going to do is become apart of the establishment. Society isn't going to break me. I'm not going to be some kind of philanthropist who came from nothing. I'm not going to be in some god damn magazine, person of the year nobel peace prize bullshit. I'm going to make real change. Change people aren't going to like, because that's the only kind of change that matters. Maybe. I don't know. I'll step off my soapbox and admit that right now, all I want is for Clara and I to be happy. Maybe get a boyfriend or girlfriend or something? If Clara doesn't scare them off. [b]You lived in New York for a while now, right? What do you think of the city?[/b] It's great. I've only been here for two years but anyone can get lost inside. I fled to New York City one person, and I'm going to emerge from it a changed woman. [b]How much technology do you use on a daily basis?[/b] A lot. I spend most of my day on it. But unlike most people, I'm actually productive. [b]What do you like?[/b] Clara Cabello, of course. Making money. Tech. Football is fun if I ever get the chance to play it. Ironically I probably spend more time researching and reading now then I did back in college, but the difference here is now I'm doing it for something, someone, I care about. Actually useful stuff that I'm going to use to forge my own destiny. Again, soapbox, sorry. Other than that, I like TV, video games, you know the usual stuff. Once we get financially secure I'm probably going to look a little more into hobbies than I am right now. Pizza is great, too. Bugs and animals are cool, too, particularly spiders. [b]What do you dislike?[/b] Cops. Feeling trapped. I mean, just society in general is really screwed up right now, you know? I also don't like stupid people. Not like Clara. I mean, she's "stupid", but she's like, really smart in other ways. Like my mom is really smart, but she's stupid in every other way that matters. Most people are dumb like that. I don't like people that don't...get it. I also don't like people that look down on me. I also hate hot dogs, they're disgusting. [b]Do you think true evil exists?[/b] Nah. But that doesn't mean people can't be soulless assholes, or deserve to die. But evil? Morality is subjective, I believe. But it still matters. I choose to believe that I am correct. [b]What’s your favorite color?[/b] Pinky purply blue? [b]Theme song[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2j62Nt3g7s&list=PLxdQ_fTa2Dcub06ycqdiWTjCY1vv-RE6j&index=2&ab_channel=Yonaka-Topic[/youtube] [b]Anything else to add?[/b] I think I've said enough. [b]What are your thoughts on these people?[/b] Clara Cabello: Like an older sister to me. Family is what one chooses, and I choose her. [/color] [/hider] Hey there! The sisters Cabello are back up and running. Made some minor adjustments.