[color=ed1c24]"I can feel the questions burning in your mind, young master Tailor. So ask them if you wish to have them answered, for I fear I cannot read minds."[/color] Tyrhallan said jovially as they moved into the crowded cafetaria. All of the eyes were fixated on the large screen and the figure displayed on it. The King. Gone was the friendly smile that the knight had borne, it was replaced by a frown. He was reminded once again at his failure as he heard the King speak. Whilst he spend some time at court, if only to aid his Uncle and to represent the family it was not a place he enjoyed being. Too many 'climbers' and too little truth if you asked Tyrhallan. The royal family was well loved, but still at times they seemed quite distant to the common folk, Tyrhallan himself had been knighted and sworn in by the King. But that had been back in the days when the royals still visited the poorer quarters of the capital city. He had accompanied his Uncle once when he had to escort the Queen on her charity rounds. The young Queen had captured the hearts of the commonfolk almost instantly and it was thanks to her that the royals still had such love from the people. Her youth and sweet behaviour had enchanted most of the citizens and in comparison to some other nobles she at least tried to learn the names of those who worked for her. She had been able to offer her husband a boost in popularity and confidence, not that the king lacked any...but it was good to inspire loyalty and confidence from the commonfolk especially if one was a king. Tyrhallan knew he hated speeches. But considering the situation it was only proper that a King should address his nation, prepare them for what was to come and inspire hope. As he listened he could tell the King was nervous and he did not blame him. With his own failing to hold the border the King must have been informed of the situation and hearing the enemy was advancing was never something you wanted to hear. When the King was done Tyrhallan sighed and turned towards the buffet row. He'd better get that salmon... Arn moved closer to her and placed a protective hand on her shoulders. His head was comforting and energetic. Inside him, there was a maelstrom of feelings. He wanted to comfort her but he also wanted to burn those who had made her feel so. His voice was calm but it rang with a truthfulness that could not be mistaken. [color=0072bc]“I am sorry for your loss. However, it is not your fault. We were given this life and whether you believe in pre destiny or if you believe it your own, there are choices that are not left up to us.” [/color] He stroked her hair fondly. [color=0072bc] “The ones who have traced you may feel that they have you cornered and that there is nowhere for you to run.”[/color] His voice took a dangerous turn almost murderous. [color=0072bc]“However, you are not alone. Those who come for you instead come to their deaths”.[/color] The fire in his eyes made those same eyes flare. He was not sure how or why but using the Aether, he started to push against the walls that the young girl had began to set up. She would have no need of walls, when he reached her, she would be protected and warmed by a sphear of flame that would turn to ash any who came near. Eilis let him. She felt his loving hands and heard his calming words trying to soothe and offer her some relief. [color=f49ac2]"But it is my fault..."[/color] She croaked. [color=f49ac2]"It's because I ran away. It IS my fault."[/color] She felt how he stroked her hair and asked softly. [color=f49ac2]"Why are you so good to me? I am a refugee...an enemy..."[/color] She turned around so she could listen to his answer, to Eilis Arn was quite the mystery battlemage. She wasn't used to such kindness and attention. A soft voice in the back of her head told her he could be 'too good to be true...' but she didn't want to believe that. He had been nothing but kind to her and she felt quite endebted to him. She tried to wipe her tears away and as she thought about it tried to hide a blush at her overactive imagination. As soon as Arn pushed against the walls however, the walls pushed back. In fact the force that pushed back was quite a bit stronger then the one Arn had send out. It seemed that it did not come from Eilis as she made no hint or indication that she did any magic, but she and he felt the effects of it immediately. A cold shock followed the push, like ice, making her shudder and tug harder at the blankets.