[color=ed1c24][center][h1]Henry Biafra[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/999142914929545935/B10DF84B9C000A912A633EBABC9EA3547B8200EF/[/img][/center] Henry was talking to the police about the stick and the resolving of the situation, telling them what had happened ignoring the fact that he used a stick of TNT as a deterrent. The excuse that he gave to them, was that he grabbed one of the robber’s guns and used it as leverage to stop the robbery. Before the police had arrived Henry had disposed of the stick of dynamite into the trash bin behind the store. As the cop kept interviewing Henry and Randy, the journalists came practically swarming the building, the police tried to swoo them away, they were trying to interview Henry and Randy. Henry did not see the big deal of a store robbery, it was quite a common place in the city. He wondered if today was a slow news day. “No comment” Was all Henry said to the media people, he was feeling stressed out by the cameras being in front of his face. The woman interview and overweight camera man being the closest towards him. His face was live on television, he felt embarrassed thinking about his roommates laughing at him. Walking away from the cameras and towards the backroom, wanting to get some privacy. He was being escorted by a police officer, who though Henry was having some sort of stressful reaction. Which was not far off from the truth.