A hostage? His mechanical mind was working overtime trying to find out a solution to this problem. He didn't want to allow any unnecessary casualties, but could he really give in to the demands of a pirate? This was a difficult dilemma to anyone, far less a robot such as himself. What was the most logical choice of action? The best one? If he wasn't so well built then smoke could be coming out of his metaphorical ears. "Yes, let's talk. But I cannot remove my weapons, so I cannot really surrender unless I shut myself off, which I will not be doing," he replied at last, still positioned by the doorway. "So...what do you want to talk about? Your favorite television show? The meaning of life? It's 24, isn't it? I never could really figure that one out..." As he talked his arm cannon morphed into a glowing blue sword made out of plasma. He might have to jump in at close range given the situation, so it was best to prepare while he was able.