[sub]"N..No thank you."[/sub] Ray replied, her voice raspy again. She felt her hands quiver over her own food, waiting for the nurse to leave. She kept her head down until she left and moved to take a small bite of her now made sandwich. She watched as the pills were placed on their table, looking towards them with narrowed eyes before she continued to eat her sandwich silently. "We... could stick them under the table." She whispered to Benjamin, "We have sticky spreads, although it might be a bit... messy." Sara opened her eyes groggily, her body ached from her tossing from her bad dreams. She cursed herself as she sat up, hearing a heavy laugh inside her head as she moved to slam her pillow into her head. "Shut it." She hissed before she moved to stand up, her small spider plush falling onto her lap. Sara paused and looked at it, moving to pick it up and hug it close to her chest. [i]"You're nothing."[/i] She heard a voice, looking down to her plush as it seemed to stare up at her evilly, [i]"He will never love you."[/i] The spider plush said. Sara grabbed the plush and slammed it into the wall across the room before she shuddered. "Shut up, you're not real. Shut up, you're not in control. Fuck you." She mumbled, "Stop ruining everything I love."