[@POOHEAD189]ohoho you just wait [color=cccccc][s]till the end of this post lmao[/s][/color] [center][img]https://i.gifer.com/Byq.gif[/img][/center] excellent! it's a mixed success so you take shock to GUTS as you fumble the spell slightly in an effort to catch her before she gets too far away. I'd be happy with either spells so pick which you prefer. But you succeed in your goals, so you can write the capture as you wish. She is currently screaming in unbridled horror and sobbing at what Darc has just done to her superior, unable to take her eyes off the skull-wearing monster ooze. [center][hider=Pinglist][@POOHEAD189][@Lucius Cypher][@Dark Cloud][@Kenshi][@VeyrinDay][/hider][/center] [b]Alrighty folks,[/b] Phardax's capture marks the end of the raid. Baganaria, Phardax and Darc are already just outside the dungeon spot. Zaz'ac might need some help bringing the crates of loot back to the dungeon - perhaps Krieg can help with that? If you have any IC posts you want to make to tie up loose ends before we start the next phase of this adventure please do so now (or at the very least let me know in OOC you're working on a post) as the next GM post will involve a short timeskip and change of phase. It shouldn't be too disruptive, if you do miss a post you wanted to make you can always just include it at the start of your next post. [hr][hr] We'll begin working on our dungeon soon. Firstly, [b]we need to decide on our imps.[/b] They're little creatures, worthless for combat, that go about your dungeon doing your busy work. Moving things between places, hauling stone from tunnelling, making basic repairs, that sort of thing. You can sometimes train them to do more complicated tasks for you when certain rooms are unlocked. Imps can be anything - actual imps, little goblins, young kobolds, bipedal mushroomfolk, corrupt cherubs, sentient crystals, tiny clay golems, whatever you like. If you have a suggestion you'd like to put forward please do so about what imps you'd like and we'll get to a consensus sooner or later with me breaking ties. Imps also need two traits. Here are some examples, feel free to vote on these or put forward your own: [center]Clever - Cowardly - Cruel - Manic - Noisy - Stupid - Surly - Troublesome - Mischievous - Creepy - other[/center] I look forward to hearing what y'all want from your little workforce ;) [hr][hr]Finally, Regional Map draft is available [url=https://i.gyazo.com/e7a840f39ec463611c80520d69cd32b2.jpg]here[/url] and the Faction information is available in [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5222350]CS Post 2[/url]. It takes 2 days to cross the region from one corner to the other by foot. [b]Where do you want your Dungeon to be?[/b] I will add some cliffs and plop the Dungeon down to add it to the map. Sorry from the long post, TL:DR: [indent]+ Make a wrap up post if you need to before the next GM Post + What type of Imps run your dungeon for you? What are two defining personality traits for them? + We have a map now. Where would you like the Dungeon to go? + Faction information is available for your perusal and [b]finalised[/b], but this post is already getting long so I'll cover more about that in a different post.[/indent]