“It feels strange, doesn’t it? Being helpless.” 595 murmured, looking into the distance. Freyr glanced down at the black-clad Agent. She had gone from looking deathly pale to being quite flushed. Freyr quickly put the back of her hand to 595’s forehead. She pushed Freyr away but not quickly enough. “You’re burning up. What did the medics say?” “They said I'm fine, it’s just a reaction to re-entry. Leave me alone and I’ll be right as rain in a minute.” 595 snapped, shifting away from them in her seat. Freyr looked back at Vreta apologetically. “Sorry. I would like to say i’m confident we will reach an agreement...But, as always there are strong opinions on all sides. My worry is that we’re moving heaven and earth for a creature that hasn’t actually given us empirical evidence to back up it’s story. Ideally, we’d gain more information before making a decision we’ll regret. But i don’t think that is a priority for everyone at this meeting.”