A faint [i]'vworping'[/i] could be heard as a red telephone box slowly faded in and out of existence in one of Moonlight Falls many alleyways. After a while the box solidified, becoming grounded in the material plane. It didn't appear quite as it should have though, for its windows were coated with what seemed to be an impenetrable layer of frost, which obscured all view as to what was inside. The labeling at the top too, was not scrawled in English but an odd circular script. These minor inconsistencies aside, the box wouldn't raise any eyebrows at first glance, just as its occupant had planned. Pushing open the door, the Valeyard strode forth, checking his pockets in the process to make sure everything was where it should be. Seeing that his personal effects were all properly squared away, the Time Lord turned and closed the box's door before pulling out a small key and inserting it into the lock, one that had morphed onto the shell mere seconds after he'd exited. Turning it, he locked the only path to and from the ship before pulling it free once more, and sliding it back into his pocket. With the security of his capsule seen to, the Valeyard turned his attention back to his surroundings. From what information the scanners could provide, and as far as he could tell, this was the planet known as Sol-3 or Earth, if one wanted to get colloquial. He recalled visiting this place many times in his past lives, though he had always been so obsessed with protecting it back then. Now, however, things had changed. For the Valeyard was the ambition the Doctor could have had, had he bothered to try. And that ambition had set its sights on this particular part of the spacetime continuum, eager to unleash chaos unrestrained.