[center] [img] https://www.pinterest.com/e03826e1-3d76-4b22-bb1f-932914b90180[/img] Lalei smiled as she saw the last of her group come into the grove. She’d made the vision as clear as possible, she knew 2 days time would push it for some of them, but she needed them to hurry. Vaeros had already all but destroyed Polis, along with multiple other villages. It wouldn’t be long until the dwarves, elves, and dragons would fall too. She let them interact for a while, and then decided it was time. Wind started blowing as it does when a spirit makes themselves visible. Hair whipped around, leaves blew, and branches broke of the tree in the middle of the grove, when it stopped, her shimmery form was visible to the mortal eyes. [color=yellow] “Hello, chosen ones. Welcome to the end of the world as you know it.” [/color] She said, letting them soak in what just happened with a dramatic pause. [color=Yellow] “My name is Lalei, pronounced luh-lie. I’ve been chosen, along with you, to go on this journey with you. I will be more behind the scenes, a gentle nudge here, a harsher nudge there. But I’m not being metaphorical when I say the fate of Valeroma lies in your hands.” [/color] Her form shimmered, it takes a lot of energy to stay in the mortal realm. She walked over and stood in front of each person for a few seconds as she talked, and then continued to pace. [Color=yellow] “Vaeros has been busy since I last saw you.” [/color] she said raising her hands so a window could form them. [Color=yellow] “Vaeros has already made moves to take down the human race.” [/color] Between her hands, the gruesome scene formed. Clips from all of his skirmishes, shaking the other dragon by the neck, setting fire to the towns, him fighting in human form and slaying almost an entire village singlehandedly. Finally Polis is shown as a whole. In almost utter ruins. [color=yellow] “King Attinson has surrendered to Vaeros. With Polis having fallen, it’s just a matter of time before the rest of the humans fall in line and become his army. Next will be the dwarves, then the elves, and then the dragons. Unless you stop him. You are Valeroma’s only hope of survival. You have all been chosen and written about since before Vaeros even existed. It is unfair, yes. For that I am sorry; but it is necessary. This will not be easy, some of you may not survive, but this is the duty you have to bear. Any questions?” [/color] Lalei lowered her arms, ending the vision they just witnessed.