[@FilthyWeeb] Alright then. Here are the modifications to the sheet. I’ll try to justify them as much as I can. [HIDER]Change race into Lesser Lindworm. Lesser Totenkopf Lindwyrm is a mouthful and it’ll be easier to reference them if I send some your way. I tried looking for what a Totenkopf Lindwyrm is, but I couldn’t find anything. Lindworm seems appropriate since it sounds weak and that’s what google led me to. Later on, transitioning to Lindwyrm, or an actual Wyrm, feels befitting of an evolutionary line. Unless you deviate from it or are influenced something else, a Lindworm’s path will be more focused on its physical capabilities. Gender, appearance, personality, and history are fine. As for skills, I left it blank in the CS template since I’ll be assigning you these. Here’s the pool which you can choose from. Aside from the secondary stomach and endurance skills, please choose 3 more. [INDENT][Passive] Secondary Stomach [F-Rank] [Passive] Enhanced Endurance [F-Rank] [Passive] Prehensile Tail [F-Rank] [Passive] Prehensile Tongue [F-Rank] [Passive] Enhanced Sense of Smell [F-Rank] [Passive] Heat Sensing [F-Rank] [Passive] Constrictor [F-Rank] [Passive] Poison Tolerance [F-Rank] [Passive] Venomous Fangs [F-Rank] [Active] Intimidation [F-Rank] [/INDENT] I didn’t include the language skill since that’s something that’ll come later on.[/HIDER] [@TheMushroomLord] I suppose that'll be doable, but things will be rougher for you early on. [@ERode] Goblin’s are gonna be somewhat similar to those from Re: Monster. Most humanoid of the bunch but lacks a particular specialty but may branch off into variety of things. [HIDER]Gender, appearance, personality, and history are fine. Here’s your set of skills to choose from. Aside from Adaptability and Anticipation, choose 3 more. Adaptability just makes learning thing faster while Anticipation is an extremely water downed spider sense. [INDENT][Passive] Adaptability [F-Rank] [Passive] Anticipation [F-Rank] [Passive] Tracking [F-Rank] [Passive] Muffled Footsteps [F-Rank] [Passive] Climbing [F-Rank] [Passive] Enhanced Strength [F-Rank] [Passive] Enhanced Dexterity [F-Rank] [Passive] Keen Eyes [F-Rank] [Passive] Crafting [F-Rank] [Active] Roar [F-Rank] [/INDENT][/HIDER] [@ForsakenBySleep] Interesting choice of creature. Routes that are possible, but not limited to, would include one centered on its psionic capabilities, and another would be its aberrant physiology. Regarding the sling, being able to use is a yes, starting with one is a no. Flumps will be able to talk normally here. If you’ll go with the telepathy path, we can discuss it. [HIDER] Gender, appearance, personality, and history are fine. Here’s your set of skills to choose from. Aside from the empath and levitation skills, choose 3 more.[INDENT] [Passive] Levitation [F-Rank] [Passive] Empath [F-Rank] [Passive] Telepathy [F-Rank] [Passive] Telepathic Shroud [F-Rank] [Passive] Increased Mana [F-Rank] [Passive] Enhanced Dexterity [F-Rank] [Passive] Prehensile Tendrils [F-Rank] [Passive] Barbed Tendrils [F-Rank] [Active] Mind Reading[F-Rank] [Active] Stench Spray [F-Rank] [/INDENT][/HIDER] [@OwO] Gotta run, but I'll get back to you soon.