At hearing that Elisabeth would be back, and soon enough, Ezner felt his spirits lift just a bit. But at the man's next words he felt his chest tighten. He still was pained at having hurt her, but at hearing that she'd be excited to hear him, he too felt it. He wanted to see her more than anything. [b]"Thank you sir. She's my,"[/b] [i]'first, only, and best'[/i] [b]"Friend. You're very kind. You've helped me so much telling me these things.[/b] But Ezner felt like he wasn't saying enough. He wanted to tell this man more about what had happened. [b]"She made an impact on me as well. She... saved me, and I never got to thank her for it before I... wasn't able. My life will never be the same, in the best of ways, thanks to Elisabeth."[/b] And Ezner felt that to be true, and as he said that, he felt his spirits lift more. He truly was excited to see her again, [b]"Do you know what ship she is coming on, sir?"[/b]