Freyr followed Vreta’s gaze to Roth’Orsa. The Rothian was beginning to arouse her interest, both as a biologist and as an AI scientist. But her mind was still mostly focused on the intelligence they’d found just hours before, and Freyr was conscious about making any potentially seditious comment while situated among all these important officials. Freyr nodded sagely at Vreta’s analysis. “Yes. If i’m not dismissed, I’ll try and get some more answers before we leave Rothia.” “Get your hands off me, Vreta’Sori.” 595 growled when Vreta came over. I’ll scan my own brain, thank you.” The Agent shot out of her seat and perched on the edge of the conference table to get away from both of them. She grabbed a nearby flagon of water and poured a large glass for herself. Freyr watched 595 greedily finish the whole glass before changing the subject. She didn’t want to antagonise this temperamental woman that appeared bound to herself by an invisible string, any more than she already was. “So...the Cradle Institute. That organisation the Director-General mentioned... There are a lot of institutes based in the Cradle, but I suspect this one is new to me. Are you a member too?” 595 displayed a wry smile. “Sure. Why not.” “Will i find anything if i search for the name?” “I highly doubt it.” “What’s it’s function?” “We function for all of Outremer, and the Diaspora.” “That doesn’t answer my question.” 595 shrugged, pouring herself another glass of water.