[@Duthguy] Zats having been unable to move the pew instead looked to something else more manageable. He would once again find that his ability was only working on things that he himself could hold in his hands. As soon as he concentrated on the rock it started to move towards him quicker then the book now that he was getting used to this feeling and finding a tether in another item and then simply pulling it towards him. [hr] [@Darked13] As the goblin went to the books and found a book with pictures on it. He would end up seeing parts of the human body being explained and experimented on. Clearly as he went on this book appeared to be a medical book detailing surgery although it was directed at human subjects some of these things could be applies to his fellow goblins and hobs like setting a broken arm or leg. However, it seems that his lack of reading ability keeps from fully learning the depths of which he could heal others. [color=fff200]Goblin Arch learned [u]Primitive surgery[/u]: This goblin has gained some small understanding into physiology and as such can perform minor medical actions like setting broken bones, stitching deep cuts, creating slings (For ones arms or legs when broken)[/color] [hr] [@TheMushroomLord] Once Argos has gotten his fill he had made sure that the pelt and the horn remained intact though that said nothing of what was left of the actual meat. He had proven he could hunt now but he didn't have any real use for the fur and horn but to them these were still valuable so maybe he could get one of the girls to come and help him. Not that he needed the help of course but if they kept thinking all day they would forget to eat. Once he collected what he wanted he went back to the church to see two hobs still here and the girl trio still around. He sighed loudly before he decided to just pick one to help him. He then went over to Aya the shy one and he gave her the pelt and horn and said [color=ed1c24]"Lets go, talking and thinking to much wont fill your stomach. Don't think just do"[/color] he said simply grabbing her arm once she held both of the fur and horn and started to pull her out of the church to actually do something.