I've shied from starting/joining anything in general from the highly pessimistic take that anything I'd start would probably just die off, and it's tiring to put my mind into something that's not gonna continue if the thing it was made for doesn't. Either I'm gonna put heart into it and others will leave, or I do the same but I realize it's not something I'd stick to for a longer period. Kinda depressing when the going mindset is 'if they don't kill it I probably will'. The idea of doing stuff is fun, but the doing stuff is an exhausting prospect. My answer to part of above has been 'start something you can remix into original content', but I haven't had enough thoughts in general that I think would actually work for the Guild. I have random stuff like thoughts of a Battletech based roleplay or something to revive Arena, but again. All stuff that takes energy to pull off for returns I'm not sure are there. Mainly I'm here out of nostalgia, and remembering why I vanished. Add tangents of real life, very fickle muse and other hobbies and the result is not much at all happening. Sorry if I took it a little too dark.