What? Oh, no. No, that’d be ridiculous. Wolf survived for _ages_ in, um, well, you know. It was hard, but she’s alive, so, she knows what she’s doing. Besides, could you imagine it? Wolf - Wolf, of all people! - following after her - her, of all people! - like a little puppy. Trotting along at her side, growling at anyone who got too close, taking treats right from...her...paws...... Oh. Oh no it was all her fault. Oh no she brought her to the [i]clown festival?![/i] What was she thinking? Answer: She wasn’t thinking. As usual. Okay, well, start thinking! Now, Jackdaw!!! Before they stick her in a fryer, or paint her face with bad dreams, or worse, and if you could leave it at ‘or worse’ for [i]once[/i] maybe you’d be able to find a way out of this mess! Remember every book you’ve ever read about clowns. Look at everything you can see, and imagine everything you can’t. Check, double check, triple check, where’s the safe places? Where can you run? How can you get a malnourished wolf out of the clutches of one or several clowns? Think, Jackdaw, think. Before it’s too late. [Rolling to Look Closely. 5 + 3 + 2 = [b]10.[/b] Jackdaw wants to know two things: Where here could they be safe? And how could she get Wolf there, in a pinch?]