[b]Ascot[/b] Ascot knew how to [i]seem[/i] to be calm and professional, especially when encountering a merchant who was skeptical of his ability to guard his craft and his wares - He knew that everyone would not have heard of the infamous 'Ashbringer'. So he took advantage of the fact that his mech was only 4.51 meters tall to pilot the mech directly to where the merchant's ship was, and only [i]then[/i] reveal his true identity as a child mech pilot. That plan worked, and so the boy spent the following week acting professional, being professional, and yes, spending his time eating his vegetables, calorie bars, and [i]some[/i] candy (he was still a kid, after all). Apparently, the Merchant was transporting supplies to a colony/settlement on Formalis, a colony they found out had already disappeared just as they arrived on the planet. Much frustration was there to be had, and Ascot found himself collecting early pay, sending news back to Serenity through FTL comms that he was all right (he felt he owed it to her), and then rejecting the Merchant's offer to transport him back to Serenity's station - He didn't feel like he should put the lady in any more danger. And by 'any more danger', he was planning to investigate what had caused the colony to disappear ans try and see if it can help in his quest to rescue his parents from the Federation... Or if it was a threat to that quest as well as the Federation's own 'endaevors'. [b]Michael[/b] Michael had spent the week travelling to Formalis as well on the ship the Admiral lent him, his plan [i]still[/i] being to go to the criminals, threaten them into telling him who [i]actually[/i] caused the colonists to vanish, and then offer a truce to find out whoever made the colonists vanish and start a firefight when the truce was over or if they do not agree to it. If the latter, he was going to have to target the Vyexul first, as the heavily-armed alien criminal was almost as big as Light's Wrath. Then perhaps the androids or whichever subversive brought a rocket launcher. But more on that later - Right now, he was planning to stay out of surviellance range of the estimated landing spot of the criminals and wait for them to get complacent with whatever they are doing before swooping in...