[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210117/7423788cb403d4c94cda8db158b092fa.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#dc143c][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Dungeon, -- The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] [color=#A84B5E]“You’re thinking it, too, aren’t you? How this could be it.”[/color] It had crossed his mind more than a few times. If the glitch was easily fixed they never would've heard about it. Nobody in their right mind would admit the players couldn't be logged out and that they were at risk of death unless there wasn't an alternative. The situation in the real world must've been untenable. It was the only thing that made sense. So what then? What were the chances they were stuck in Pariah for days, or weeks? What if they were stuck in here for the rest of their miserable lives? Graves should've been frightened by the thought, but instead all he felt was... [color=dc143c]"They don't deserve it."[/color] He breathed, watching Benkei hit the floor. A panic attack. He'd seen 'em before. He remembered one night William came home with eight different drugs in his system and spent hours freaking the fuck out. It hurt to watch- just like this did- but there was nothing he could do. Nothing he could do but ride it out. [color=dc143c]"They have somethin' to go back to."[/color] Graves sniffled, wiping his nose. [color=dc143c]"People. Lives. I-I mean, Aags and Luci were gonna be [i]together[/i] for Christ's sake. They had so much. So much ahead of 'em."[/color] He felt like a monster for laughing after everything that'd happened. After all that was [i]still[/i] happening. There wasn't an ounce of joy in the sound; just pained, angry resentment.[color=dc143c]"What- what the fuck did I have, y'know? Without this stupid game I might as well be..."[/color] Graves never finished the thought. He climbed back to his feet, and shook it all off. Took all that shit he'd been moments from letting fall out into the world for the first time in his life and put it back where it belonged. There was still work to be done. Still bodies to be buried. They could deal with what came next later. [/indent][/indent][/indent]