[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210130/334b2832d63f1ff04639597363eb00bd.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#87c735][b]Location:[/b][/color] City Streets -- The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr]The denizen working at the Drox guild hall creased her eyebrows in sympathy, thumbing through an oversized codex. [color=lightgray]"Did you say he frequently met with a guild based in Thyrien? Those guilds typically congregate in the midlands of Aetheria."[/color] Alex paused. He traveled here knowing full well the guides were going to tell him prescripted information meant to guide new players along, information that was worthless to him. Instead the woman had given an entirely different answer. [color=#87c735]"I see. Thank you,"[/color] he replied, not bothering to hide the disappointment in his voice. His trip to the guild had been for emotional reasons and not logical ones, born out of a desperate need to do something [i]and[/i] find the whereabouts of his brother. He wasn't expecting to actually find any useful information. Her answer though, as odd as it may have been, was useless all the same. A predictable end to his impulsive plan, he supposed. The energy that he overflowed with and the urge to do anything returned in a greater wave than before, as did the worries over his brother. His brother's guild was good at combat, he thought to reassure himself, but so were... Images of impaled and crushed corpses burned in his mind. So much for keeping his thoughts occupied. As he continued to wander throughout the day, he inevitably found himself gravitating towards the Laughing Worg. Taverns and wayfarers had a symbiotic relationship, and it had been the first idea to form in his mind. He needed the buzzing of people around him, someone he could strike up conversations with. It was a good plan B. He was also thinking about something else he could find in a tavern, another way to ease himself. He usually never indulged in that sort of thing, but nothing about his life was usual right now. He entered the tavern with slower steps, a contrast to how he'd greeted his previous group. [color=#87c735][i]Just a little bit of drinking. It won't hurt.[/i][/color] [/indent] [/indent][/indent]