[CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Dancing in Hell[/COLOR] [B]Pairing:[/B] Demon × Human/Demon [B]Genre:[/B] Dark Comedy [B]Flavor:[/B] Post Apocalyptic, Horror, Sci Fantasy [Hider=plot] It was ten million years ago that perdition finally overflowed into the mortal plane. Humans had fucked, killed, cheated and betrayed their way to hell on earth in record time. Never in all of eternity had an age of light been so brief. But it's been over for so long now that no one even remembers what the light was like. At first it was utter chaos. Demons took the world of man, held it down and collectively raped and mutilated it into such a disfigured mockery of its former self that, for a time, the only language spoken seemed to consist solely of screams, crying and predatory howls of dominance. Soon all of human culture was scoured from the planet and the minds of those kept alive, whether by their wits or as livestock. And as the blessing of death was slowly removed from what remained of earth, an inevitable eco system emerged from the chaos. The more humans and demons failed to exterminate one another after this point, the more complex that ecosystem became. And soon it would grow into something not entirely hell, but not entirely earth either. These days, the world would be startlingly similar to the one that was murdered eons ago. Humans and Demons evolved side by side to form societies, cultures and complex political and economic systems offering some order to the madness that tore it's way into earth. But one thing remains constant, Demons top the food chain. In places, humans are still kept as livestock. Pavlovian conditioning renders them pliant to their masters. Those who resist are quickly recycled and taken out of the gene pool to avoid polluting the minds of the others. In other places, the demons prefer to allow humans their autonomy. Whether this be because local humans are considerably less helpless or just that certain demons prefer dominating them with subtler methods varies by region. Certain humans attempt to elevate themselves by way of pacts with demons in these more liberal zones. This is always a gamble and often sees the human serving some humiliating function for the demon eternally afterward. Unfortunately, this is such an effective shortcut to wealth, power and influence that just about everyone who can do it, does. Even demons from contracts with each other. Quite often in fact. The maddening tangle of catches and loopholes they navigate to form their intricate webs of interpersonal contracts and favors has been known to drive those humans who investigate it insane. [/hider][/CENTER]