[center][color=#ff0000]Bloody Patron[/color] [B]Pairing:[/b] Vampire x Human [B]Genre:[/b] Dark Romance [B]Flavor:[/b] Horror, Mystery [Hider=plot] A once affluent Louisiana family has slowly been losing their grip on their station in the world. Time was this family had the ear of the most powerful men in the world. Their reach and influence, par excellence. But over the years their power and prestige has waned. Gone are the days when the family could move mountains with a simple snap of the fingers. Now it's all they can do to retain some semblance of respect from local circles. And they've fallen into total obscurity on the global stage. With power but a distant memory held only by elders of the clan. And their wealth drying up faster and faster each year, the family was desperate. And they were ready, willing and able to use whatever means they could afford themselves to make sure their family rose to prominence once more. But never could they have guessed how strange things would become once they found what was to be their salvation. It was in the dusty old tomes of the family's ancient library that the first clues of him were found. It was a rabbit hole the patriarch of the family dove into like a madman. Snippets of lore and reports from throughout the ages of a man who appeared in times of conflict and change in the world. To some, he was a harbinger of doom. To others, he was a messenger from beyond. But one thing was consistent in all accounts. The man always appeared at night. And he always demanded the blood of those who sought his power as recompense. The research alone drove the patriarch mad with obsession. But unfortunately this obsession would quickly bear fruit. For in his fixation, the man happened across evidence of this mysterious immortal's resting place. And so he wasted no time seeking it out. Putting the remainder of his family's wealth into an expedition that was to bring his family back from the brink of destitution, the patriarch departed without so much as a word to his family. The patriarch would return a year later. His hair having gone silvery white and madness having taken so much of his mind now that he was barely recognizable any more. And all he had to show for himself was a very old, very large wooden box. Almost like a coffin, really. But the creature inside would soon prove all the mad patriarch had claimed to be all too horribly true. The creature would lift the family up out of obscurity. Breathe new life into their fading relevance and show them the way to greater fortunes then they ever could imagine. But the cost would be great. As their very bloodline would belong to the creature in order to retain his services. His playthings to do with as he pleased. [/hider][/center]