[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210117/7423788cb403d4c94cda8db158b092fa.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#dc143c][b]Location:[/b][/color] City Streets, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] Rael was outta the tree with a leap that would've ended with Graves on his ass. He raised a brow at what looked like a book she'd just shoved into a bag, but he didn't comment. Instead he turned away, making his way down the road with long, quick strides. Errands were perhaps his least favorite thing in the world; best to get this done as soon as possible so they could meet back up with the rest of the party. It was...strange, how attached he'd gotten to them all so quickly. Another thing to think about. [color=dc143c]"Let's see."[/color] He adjusted the bag he had over his shoulder so he could count it all out on his fingers. [color=dc143c]"Gotta drop my armor off to get it patched up. Gotta get myself somethin' other than rags to wear. Wanna stop by the bank, too, n' see if I've got the coin to find a place to stay- don't wanna spend too long cooped up in the innhouse, y'know? And I figure we'll be here awhile."[/color] He shrugged. His expression darkened somewhat. [color=dc143c]"Wanted to drop by Prophecy, too. See if Pris needs help with anything. Figure she has her hands full now."[/color] [color=#A84B5E]"You think they'd want to see us?"[/color] [color=dc143c]"I [i]know[/i] they don't."[/color] He snorted. [color=dc143c]"Get the impression Pris can tolerate us, at least. N' I'm not gonna stay to chat. But I feel like I oughtta help. Even if its just somethin' small, like pickin' up groceries. Feel obligated, I guess. I know it'll sound stupid to you."[/color] [color=A84B5E]"I don’t think it sounds stupid. Weird, I guess. Never had anyone do something nice for me, so I wouldn’t know."[/color] Graves gave her an eyeroll so massive that his whole body moved with it. [color=dc143c]"Aside from saving your ass maybe a dozen times, sure."[/color] The pair of them rolled up on the tailor's shop in the town square. It was a fairly sizeable, one floor establishment, with every inch of it covered in some kind of fine material or displaying a piece of clothing. It was so densely packed with [i]stuff[/i] that just navigating the place turned out to be a task in and of itself. And the woman that ran the place turned out to be just as exquisite as her wares. [color=dc143c]"Considerin' I'm the size of a cow I don't think they'll have anything that'll fit off the rack."[/color] He told Rael over his shoulder. That meant getting measurements, talking about pricing and materials and all other sorts of shit Graves was loathing. Still, it could be worse- he could be stuck here by himself. [color=dc143c]"Maybe I'll get you a gumball and be the [i]first[/i] person to [i]ever[/i] do somethin' nice for you."[/color] [color=A84B5E]“You’re not funny.”[/color] She remarked, following in tow. It was only partially a joke. Part of him wanted to follow through with it; buy her something- a 'gumball'- so he could hold it over her head and tease her about it for the rest of the day. But the reasonable part of him won out and the words died in his throat, and their brief shopping adventures continued. Most of the places he needed to go were in or around the town square: the armorer was a bit more of a walk, but it minutes long at most. The two of them would be back 'round to the Worg in short order. They still had some time alone. Time to talk. After a remarkable bout of silence, Graves finally spoke up again. It was a question that'd been nagging him since the dungeon- during it, even. [color=dc143c]"Why aren't you freaking the fuck out about any of this?"[/color] [color=A84B5E]“Why aren’t you?”[/color] [color=dc143c]"I'm a God damn mess. But I'm learning to roll with the punches. Adapt or die, right? You, though...I'on't think I've seen you so much as flinch."[/color] [color=A84B5E]“Yeah… it’s weird. I don’t get it.”[/color] Rael said, burying her hands into the pockets of her longcoat. [color=A84B5E]“Sometimes I think I should be scared. I mean, I get nightmares the same as everyone else, but I’m not having panic attacks in the middle of dungeons or shaking in a corner like a baby. My therapist would probably have an answer. Something about compartmentalizing things. I dunno. I guess it hasn’t really hit me yet.”[/color] Talk of nightmares made Graves frown. He did his best to shake it quickly. [color=dc143c]"You can afford a [i]therapist[/i]?"[/color] He snorted. It came off more rude than he intended. [color=dc143c]"Probably better than the alternative, though. Benkei- Luci- they're goin' through some rough shit."[/color] [color=A84B5E]“Everyone kind of broke in some way last night.”[/color] She admitted, offering a shrug. [color=A84B5E]“I don’t know how you heal from that. I’ve never been close to anyone. Maybe that’s why I seem so… [i]fine[/i] with things.”[/color] [color=dc143c]"Come on, never? With anyone?"[/color] She shook her head, [color=A84B5E]“No one.”[/color] He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her, incredulity all over his face. [color=dc143c]"You're serious."[/color] Graves blinked. [color=dc143c]"Not a- a parent, a sibling? Distant cousin? Lover? Close friend? None of it?"[/color] [color=dc143c]"How do you get through life like that?"[/color] [color=A84B5E]“I don’t know. Only childhood friends I ever knew were in manga.”[/color] She half-laughed, obviously trying to keep a strong face through it all. It didn't hold up too well under scrutiny.[color=A84B5E]“Never had a boyfriend. Only thing my parents told me was how much of a disappointment I am. Guess they were right. I am trapped in a video game world.”[/color] That last line, for all its corniness, had Graves in stitches all the way to the front step of the Laughing Worg tavern. They'd finished up all but the visit to Priscilica, and he was still undecided on whether to go through with that one or not. And Rael had given him plenty more to think on. He almost continued. He was close to spilling more about himself than he had to anyone whose last name wasn't [i]Gray[/i]. But they were at the Worg, now, and what Andrew was good telling Rael certainly wasn't for anyone else in the party to hear. So they stepped inside to join the others. [/indent][/indent][/indent]