The kitsune recoiled away from her when she touched his shoulder and growled "Don't touch me" he said in a very real threat if she tried again. His eyes glowed slightly in a dangerous way before looking away seeming to just ignore her the rest of the way. "Not dumb just strange" he growled lowly to her and looks away out the window. The blade shines slightly, a powerful and ancient aura before fading away back into the blade. VT looked over slightly "Sarena I would suggest maybe leaving him alone for a bit, besides we got things for you to look at," said the android slowly losing toward the kitsune. He frowned seeing the threat of the kitsune "Toraksui don't try anything" he warned the kitsune. Before looking through files on the updated Ipad he had frowning "Seems like there are five different classes of monsters running a muk on earth" he mutters slowly as he sifted through data and notes. The kitsune frowned standing up slowly, his human form was tall, and looked at them slowly "The five classes of demons and monsters you're looking at are from folks and lore from the spirit realms. Kitsune are gatekeepers of the realms of spirits and demons. Wiping out the entire race you pretty much opened the rift to the underground. With no gatekeepers or anything to keep them at bay. You allowed chaos to rip open from five different realms" The kitsune said cracking out his back. Kitsune were the gatekeepers to the realms of spirits and demons and angels. They made sure order was kept between realms....and with the race gone and killed off. The organization unknowingly released hell onto earth. VT looked through the notes "SO anyway to close the gates again?" he muttered as the kitsune shrugged "You tell me you killed off the gatekeepers, surely you guys had a plan on how to keep the gates shut afterward" he growled lowly.