Drana smiled the entire fight. She was a cleric that constantly met the battlefield with an open mind. While she was not happy for the death that surrounded her, it was an involuntary action that had been picked up among the fields of dead that were often trying to kill the living. She did not realise that she was smiling. The only escalation she had seen was Manald’s savagery upon tangling himself with a troll. She made a note to find him later and make sure that he was not hurt. Drana felt eyes fall on her as Acrius introduced her to the prince. ‘So this is the man I have heard so much about.’ Drana’s demeanor was unchanged by her fatigue. Blood covered her clothing in a red and black mess that sullied her holy garments and fair skin. Her staff remained pristine, absent of any sign it had been on the battlefield. “Prince Leonidas,” Drana did not bow, but she instead inclined her head slightly. “It is an honor to meet you on the field of battle as an ally.” The drain on her stamina was catching up with her, and she wanted to inform the prince of who she was and where she came from faded quickly. Hunger gnawed at her belly and sleep called her by name. Drana felt the subtle pull of her domain’s magic as her two knights, Gordon and Stephan, wished to return to the world she was in. Drana straightened herself in front of Leonidas. “I have fought with Acrius beneath the city and here on its walls. I am the Sacred Order’s Cleric of the Dead.” She used a full title, unsure if the prince knew the weight that it carried. In truth, Drana did not understand the weight it carried herself. “Forgive me, but I must find my knights. I will meet you for a proper introduction in the war room after I-” She hesitated, briefly forgetting that most people assumed her clerical art to be necromancy. With quick thinking, she feigned being tired. Her smile softened with embarrassment and she laughed awkwardly. “I need a nap after this.” She said with her usual informal candor. She needed to find a quiet place to bring her knights back from the aether. With a second dip of her head Drana turned and started for the path down the wall. She needed to ‘find’ Gordon and Stephan before she returned to the war room. She needed their help to explain why she was here, as well as who she really is. Though more than that, she feared for her own skin without their protection. She was too tired to realize just what she had done.