[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NuqXk9g.png[/img][/center] [@KillamriX88] [hr] Katherine lethargically looked up, a familiar voice prying her from her from the relaxing fugue of the water. She slowly smiled, then frowned, then tried to smile again. She didn't know what she was feeling right now. Dread? Relief? Happiness? Honestly she had been both waiting for this all night and at the same time wishing to put it off and now that he was here, head down, looking none to happy, she was having trouble figuring out what she should say. "Hey buddy." She finally settled on, the words coming out breathily as though her lungs were only letting her use so much air lest she put her foot in her mouth. "I was afraid for a while you had given up on me. Maybe a party where everybody is wearing masks wasn't the best place to meet up again, huh?" She turned over in the water, scooping some up in her hand and letting it drip out. "Looks like the nights been treating you pretty rough too. You want to come in? The water's really soothing." [hr] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fl5E36F.png[/img] [@rawkhawk64][@Crowvette] [hr] Yuuto's smile pointed right at her inspired a perhaps unwarranted confidence in the girl. "We should dance!" She said suddenly, bouncing up and down as she said it. "I have never danced at party before. I will probably never get chance again. I am not most nimble girl, but I can swing like this." Bak proceeded to sort of shake from side to side, the hem of her costume swishing back and forth like a broom as she did so. Unfortunately she got a little to into it, and one of her shakes collided with the confection table. Behind her their was the sound of shattering glass and an annoyed "Gyrahh" that froze her mid sashay. Slowly, she turned her gaze over her shoulder. Down the table a little ways a boy in a long cloak of multicolored feathers and an ostentatious bird mask with an absurd amount of plumage was trying to wipe a large purple stain out of a patch of feather. The source of the stain was obvious; a collection of over a dozen glasses sat next to him on the table, some of which were still half filled with liquid despite having fallen over. He looked down at them with obvious disgust. "My juice." He growled, looking down the way at Bak and Yuuto. "You!" He said, pointing an accusatory finger at her and holding up the cloak. "Do you know how many birds it took to make this?" "Ahhh, I am so sorry." Bak said quickly. She knew how much work it was making her own costume. The boys eyes, though, widened in recognition. "Wait, that voice." He lifted up his mask to get a better look, locking eyes with Bak. "The abomination from the roof." Bak gasped in surprise. "Stupid bird-brain vigilant boy!" "And you have a date?" Nas said, ignoring her and bringing up a spyglass he was holding in his other hand up to his eyes and thoroughly examining Yuuto. He didn't recognize him, the removal of the ninja's mask making him practically unidentifiable. "You, sir, are either very generous or have very peculiar taste." The ominous "ker-chunk" of a missile slotting into place drew his attention back to Bak. Naserph did some very quick weighing of his options, then held up a hand. "Peace, hellspawn, though save that thought. You would make a fine Plan B if Plan A doesn't work out tonight." He directed the gaze of his spyglass back into the crowd and Bak, curious, followed the trail of his eyes until with her own advanced vision the fell upon an uncomfortable looking girl with an eyepatch. "Why are you stalking cyclops girl?" She asked. "It's not stalking if I'm not interested in her." He replied, reaching behind him and sipping the last of the grape juice from one of the fallen glasses. "The girl attracts danger at every event she attends. I'm just waiting for it. Though if no disaster has occurred by the end of the night and you still wish to confront me I encourage you to attempt a kidnapping of your own. Her card powers are quite remarkable." "Oooooh, that is card girl." Bak said, a flash a remembrance playing across her eyes. She didn't know what card girls powers specifically were, but she did now that those three cards Bak had tried to give her back kept appearing behind her ear whenever she went to sleep. "Hmph!" She went, turning her head. "I do not want to take part in stupid nightingale plot. Bird brain cannot even follow simple good plans. Come on, Yuuto." Bak began stomping defiantly toward the dance floor. "Your plan was stupid and your entire existence is the result of a divine clerical error." Nas called after her, but his attention was fully back to Andras watch by that point.