The kitsune howled into laughter "A SUCIDE mission how wonderful" he grinned his eyes sparkled into a insane tense glow "oh how long I have waited to see the gates burn things down to the ground. Oh they mock and howl at the ideas of mortal coils and groups like this. And I can see why" he grinned insanely "so ready to throw lives away for this own little plans to work" he grinned as VT hit the shock control zapping the kitsune to the ground. "Stop your nonsense" he said annoyed before looking around and shook his head "only a hour left before we touch down near the city" he muttered as the kitsune howled into laughter on the floor "truly how pittyful of a group she is sending" growled amused ignoring the shocks. His blade shines brightly rattling harshly seeming to snap the kitsune out of a bloodthirsty trance as the kitsune shook his head rapidly "worth it sometimes to lose control." He grinned amused before getting up and moving back where he was originally. VT glares at the kitsune and sighed "I don't get why we got stuck with the loonatic"