The kitsune cackled at the idea of friends or allies "oh werewolf your gravely mistaken in your words and folly" he muses dangerously at him. "If you think you can hurt me your misguided by your emotions. I don't do friends or allies, none that from this dumbshit of an organization will ever be that to me" snickered. Sarena would try but only two gates would seal. Ten gates stayed wide open and wouldn't respond to her magic or shadows. There was much more to sealing a gate shut then magic. It took a orginal gatekeeper to seal a gate but only their own gate. Meaning she could only close the gate she was orginal designed to shut. All other gates required their original gatekeeper to do a spell to close them or seal them at all. Vt found the power signature flowing more harsh as gates reacted badly to her magic "Sarena stop" he warned sharply. The kitsune jolted upright just as a gate completely broke apart shattering meaning now a entire realm was let loose "oh that's not good" he said as the plane had to emergency land as a storm brewed harshly from the destroyed gate as the kitsune eyes glowed as he teleported all of them away just as a huge blast of dark energy slammed into the plane. They appeared ten miles from the city as the kitsune growled "well now we really are fucked" he said annoyed. VT didn't care "Sarena you okay?" He turned toward her. The other bad thing? The controller for the kitsune was left on the plane. Meaning no one had a way to control the kitsune other then most of his powers where gravely limited that was their one saving grace. Also confusing why did the kitsune just save all of them he could have left them to parish but no he let them all live. He looked at the city and frowned deeply ignoring the other two "how peculiar" he muses tapping his chin. The fox was amused, but also angered as now a realm had no gate meaning there was no way to close or shut it. They really where at blank zero.