[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mZjdiZWYuVUc5eWF5QkZiWEJwY21VLjI/orange-kid.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/9/99/F70c23753a6f0480e31ad6e2a0b7f84d.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/420?cb=20170327163402[/img][/center][center][h2][color=FFB6C1][b]Childish Modernizing Dictatorship[/b][/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr][color=FFB6C1][h2][b]History[/b][/h2][/color] The Pork Empire was first founded, in a sense, in the year 20xx after the defeat of the alien invader [i]Gigas[/i]. Escaping following his destruction using the stolen [i]Phase Distorter[/i] time machine, Porky Minch began to travel as far as possible into the future. As he traveled he collected technology, brainwashing individuals, gathering resources, and eventually built his own army. Farther and farther he traveled into the future until ending up in the present and losing the ability to travel any further. Porky Minch had ended up suffering from accelerated aging as a result of his abuse of the incomplete Phase Distorter. However he found himself with an army in the [i]Nowhere Islands[/i], home to naive and easily manipulated residence with limited technology and no concept of money. Leveraging his new army and vast resources, he slowly spread his influence through the isles using agents and ploys. Physically and cybernetically altered animals known as [i]'Chimera'[/i] were created and spread to sow fear and chaos among the populace. This set the stage for his agents to introduce a modern economy and garner enough influence in the lives of the residents that he effectively controlled them. Modern housing, roads, highways, powerplants, and entire cities were built and it wasn't long before Porky had established himself as the true ruler of the Nowhere Islands. Having a 'grand' city built for himself he declared himself 'King P.' and quickly set about having his way with the Nowhere Islands. Statues were built in his name, a research facility was erected, the army was expanded, more roads and highways put down through the once untouched wilderness, and all manner of [i]twisted[/i] creatures and constructs were created. However it wasn't long before opposition slowly began to rise within the population. Though a majority of the gormless residents bent to his will, a select band of unusual individuals plotted to destroy him. Made up of a vengeful man named Cliff, his two psionically gifted sons, a 'Princess' from a ruined castle, a pair of thieves both father and son, and a meddling monkey. After a few years however their efforts to destroy him ended in tragedy and the fledging resistence was squashed. With seemingly no more opposition left to stop him, King P. was allowed to do as he pleased. Yet it wasn't long before he had done almost everything he had wanted with the Nowhere Islands and set his eyes out on the rest of the world. With seemingly no opposition to stop him and the gormless residents bent to his will, Porky was allowed to do as he pleased. However he had suffered tremendously advanced aging due to his abuse of the prototype Phase Distorter, leaving him an elderly man with the mind of a child. It wasn't long before he began to grow bored of the Nowhere Islands and set his eyes out on the rest of the world... [color=FFB6C1][h2][b]Territory[/b][/h2][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cp5Qsyb.png[/img][/center] The Pork Empire's territory is currently composed of the entirety of the [i]Nowhere Islands[/i] an isolated, but verdant island archipelago entirely untouched by pollution or human exploitation until quite recently. While the landmass itself is small, it has incredibly diverse biomes ranging from mountains, a desert, temperate forests, tropical jungles, grasslands, and even expansive cave networks. A number of ruins ranging from old castles, to crypts, to strange crumbling stones dot the Nowhere Islands, remnants of a civilization that potentially existed on the island before even the original residents. Outside of the desert the entirety of the Nowhere Islands is arable land and the abundance of natural wildlife allows for easy and plentiful living even with sub-par agricultural techniques. Only a small portion of the Nowhere Islands has proper infrastructure however with most of the roads, highways, powerplants, and cities being incredibly new to the island. A large expanse of the islands still remains untouched with dirt roads and simpler means of transportation being required to reach certain areas. This leaves plenty of room for expansion, but makes it somewhat difficult for invaders and defenders alike to travel quickly through most of the island interior. [color=FFB6C1][h2][b]Populace[/b][/h2][/color] The original population of the Nowhere Islands were made up of normal, otherwise baseline humans with higher then normal latent Psi potential. The Nowherelander population of the island was originally around just 160,000 people, but the arrival of Porky also brought an additional 400,000 people to the island. [color=FFB6C1][h2][b]Government[/b][/h2][/color] The Pork Empire is an absolute monarchy in the most blunt and simplistic way possible. Porky Minch's word and whims are law. The people have no representation at all and no say in anything that goes on. Those who are apart of the Pigmask Army, the Empire's primary military force, have more influence and privilege's then the average citizen, but are still ultimately subject to their King's childish whims. In this respect the Pork Empire is incredibly efficient in that there is virtually nothing resembling bureaucracy. Porky Minch makes a demand or decree, tells someone in an appropriate part of the Empire (be it a scientist or soldier) and the demand is carried out to the best of the Empire's abilities. Should the demand be met then all is well, and should the demand fall short then [i]punishments[/i] will be doled out for the unspeakable crime of making the king [b]bored.[/b] While overly simplistic, the government of the Pork Empire is firmly capitalist albeit with an iron grip over the economy. The implementation of money was a deliberate act to erode the 'backwards' communal lifestyles of the residents of Nowhere Island. A strong emphasis is put on accruing wealth, resources, and producing things within the Pork Empire. [color=FFB6C1][h2][b]Leader & Figures of Importance[/b][/h2][/color] [hider=King P.] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mZjdiZWYuVUc5eWEza2dUV2x1WTJnLC4y/orange-kid.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a2db423e-d32d-41e3-ba16-b0f120bb2a02/dcy4pvy-11e79f81-9468-4272-8142-ec123da34ed7.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_847,strp/porky_minch__mother_3__by_axel1kg_dcy4pvy-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD04NDciLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9hMmRiNDIzZS1kMzJkLTQxZTMtYmExNi1iMGYxMjBiYjJhMDJcL2RjeTRwdnktMTFlNzlmODEtOTQ2OC00MjcyLTgxNDItZWMxMjNkYTM0ZWQ3LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.kZriihbkBr8rWnEC-tqzruqHwajmBAvzS0yeSAlGhvw[/img][/center] [b][h2]History[/h2][/b] King P. needs no introductions. [b][h2]Personality[/h2][/b] This would naturally be a big part of things if this was a proper sheet that was going to be applied. [b][h2]Abilities[/h2][/b] Psionics! [/hider] [color=FFB6C1][h2][b]Culture and Society[/b][/h2][/color] Prior to King P.'s arrival and subsequent takeover, the culture of the Nowhere Islands was one rooted in communal living. Concepts such as money did not exist and goods were freely taken and exchanged as they were required by others. There was no body of government outside of meetings between the members of the community themselves and law was treated in a simple, forgiving manner. Most lived in pre-modern villages bereft of electricity or any particularly modern technologies. Emphasis was placed on a self-sustaining, almost naturalist lifestyle with great care being taken to care for and respect the environment spurred on by the mass ecolological devastation of the past. That all changed when Porky came. It wasn't long before the existing community lifestyle of the Nowhere Islands was smashed to pieces with the implementation of money, the introduction of convenient life-improving technologies, the squashing of troublesome individuals, and mass brainwashing efforts. Slowly the culture of the Nowhere Islands began to change from a naturalist utopia into a dystopian society based around blind production, consumption, and convenience. The simple, restrictive, often dull lives of the Nowherelanders where changed forever with the introduction of television, electricity, and processed foods. Suddenly things became easier, faster, and that much more pleasing. Their long history of communal living was thrown away and intentionally destroyed by King P. Replaced with a crude facsimile of modern society that he remembered from his own timeline. In a sense the culture of the Pork Empire is insincere and fake, a cardboard cutout of what a modern society should be with nothing beyond the colorful exterior but darkness and emptiness. [color=FFB6C1][h2][b]Technology[/b][/h2][/color] Prior to the establishment of the Pork Empire, the Nowhere Islands were a pre-industrialized society. All with dirt roads, traditional wooden houses, handmade clothes, wood stoves, hand tools, and more. Though the Thieves in Tazmily Society, who acted as secret protectors in case of some unforeseen danger, possessed advanced explosive making techniques these still used natural materials collected from the environment and the native creatures within it. After the mass modernization efforts by the Pork Empire the average technological level of the Pork Empire was elevated to the technological level of the 1990s. With factories, paved roads, electricity in every, mass produced appliances, televisions, a railroad system, and processed foods. However the research and military elements of the Pork Empire possessed even more advanced technology including handheld particle weaponry, advanced robotics, and hovercraft technology. [color=FFB6C1][h2][b]Unique Technologies[/b][/h2][/color] [b][u]Chimera Technology[/u][/b] A 'Chimera' is a biological organism modified with cybernetics or elements from another living creature, accomplished through extensive surgery, genetic modification, or fusion techniques. This line of research allows the Pigmask Army to create a myriad of fantastical and highly dangerous creatures through the simple combination or alteration of existing wildlife. All Chimeras are given some rudimentary element of intelligence or control, allowing them to be commanded and directed in combat with ease. Many Chimera are developed for utility purposes, such as fish capable of generating an incredibly high amount of bio-electricity, used to power many of the Pork Empire's power plants. While filled with potential and allowing the Pork Empire to make all manner of dangerous weapons, the processes and techniques behind Chimeras are inherently immoral. Effectively tearing apart creatures against their will while they're still alive and assembling them into either cold, unfeeling weapons or monstrous beings left in a constant state of barely restrained berserker rage. Only the twisted mind of a child could happily and joyfully greenlight such projects without so much as a hint of regret or hesitation. PSI identification and amplification [color=FFB6C1][h2][b]Units[/b][/h2][/color] [u]Regular Infantry[/u] [hider=Enslaved Monkey] [b]Enslaved Monkey:[/b] A small monkey fitted with a high-voltage collar, trained to obey orders without hesitation or question lest they experience extreme pain. Used for menial labor, delivering orders, and doing jobs most won’t risk their life for, these monkeys are surprisingly intelligent (moreso then Pigmask Grunts). While not strong, they are capable of mimicking the techniques of others. They are naturally disloyal and will turn off their ‘allies’ if given the opportunity. [/hider] [hider=Pigmask Scientist] [b]Pigmask Scientist:[/b] Are they a doctor? Are they a scientist? Are they both or neither? Pigmask Scientists are King P.’s researchers thrown in grey sterilized Pigmask uniforms. Unarmed save for their tools and chemicals, Pigmask Scientists are deployed in battle to help collect data and perform maintenance on the advanced vehicles, equipment, and Chimera. They are fitted with an enviormental suit, protecting them from biological weapons, poisons, and such. [/hider] [hider=Pigmask Grunt] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KLGFaUp.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Navy SQUEAL] [b]Navy SQUEAL:[/b]Amphibious troops that operate as the Pigmask Grunt’s equivalent of sailors and Marines. They are capable of fighting in deep depths thanks to their high-tech diving suits and meager pay bump for the extra danger they put themselves in. Lightly armed compared to the Grunts with only an energy carbine, they are capable of moving through and attacking from water without penalty. [/hider] [hider=Pigmask Captain] [b]Pigmask Captain:[/b] Garbed in striking blue uniforms, Pigmask Captains are better paid and (at least on paper) more capable than grunts, Pigmask Captains carry energy pistols, pepper spray, and are better trained in melee combat capable of dealing lethal hits with their fat fists and heavy kicks. Their presence improves the morale of grunts through idle threats and lots of shouting. [/hider] [hider=Pigmask Major] [b]Pigmask Major:[/b] Pigmask Majors are aggressive troops garbed in bright green uniforms duel wielding energy pistols and specializing in bum-rush attacks. Their extensive melee combat training allows them to use a series of joint strikes to induce numbness in enemies. They carry a significant quantity of sticky time bombs and a large satchel charge often thrown as a last resort, or during a cowardly retreat. [/hider] [hider=Pigmask Colonel] [b]Pigmask Colonel:[/b] The top of the food chain of the Pigmask Army just below the Pork Troopers and King P. himself. Dressed in white with a flowing cape, Pigmask Colonels are equipped with an energy pistol and an energy sword. Their fear of demotion makes them incredibly fierce in close quarters combat and their authority has a much more significant effect on Grunts and those beneath them. Their sheer verbal abuse can even affect enemy troops, lowering their offensive abilities. [/hider] [u]Chimera Infantry[/u] [hider=Boa Transistor] [b]Boa Transistor:[/b] A Boa Constrictor whose body has been entirely replaced by robotic parts save for its brain. With titanium skin it moves quickly, capable of scouting out areas and patrolling for enemies. It is equipped with an alarm that it can sound to alert allies to an enemy presence. It can bite enemies using its metallic jaws and fire off a “DUM-E” beam capable of temporarily impairing the thought processes of targets. [/hider] [hider=Einswine] [b]Einswine:[/b] A regular pig with a brain case fitted to the top of its head, filled with a nutrient fluid suspending a modified human brain inside. These disturbing Chimeras aren’t physically capable but possess powerful Psi powers that they can reliably unleash on foes. It is capable of using pyrokinetic, electrokinetic, and brainshock abilities. Being mostly normal pigs however they are somewhat fragile and less than acrobatic. [/hider] [hider=Firefly Swarm] [b]Firefly Swarm:[/b] House flies fused with cheap lighters and turned into living golf ball sized incendiary devices. Flying towards designated targets in swarms they explode, doomed to a single-use existence in order to set enemies or areas ablaze. While their small size makes them hard to hit they are incredibly vulnerable and quick to die, they are by design cheap and capable of setting forests or regular buildings ablaze in an instant. [/hider] [hider=Really Flying Mouse] [b]Really Flying Mouse:[/b] Mice fitted with propeller blades around their necks and small jet engines in their rears. They can hit speeds up to 40 miles an hour and are highly maneuverable. Small and easy to make, these RFMs are capable of flying into targets and cutting into them like a buzz saw. While not exactly sturdy and just as easily killed as a regular mouse, they are fast and maneuverable. They can be used to seriously injure ground targets and wear down aerial targets, typically by suiciding into them or getting sucked into their engines. [/hider] [hider=Hippo Launcher] [b]Hippo Launcher:[/b] Amphibious anti-armor Chimeras produced from a Hippopotamus and a rocket launcher system. At a glance they appear to be regular hippopotamus’s, save for the unsightly brown discoloration on their rear marking the maintenance and ammo hatch. That is until they open up their mouth and fire off a flurry of unguided rockets. Slow moving, but heavily armored and capable of traveling through water with ease, Hippo Launchers are formidable chimeras capable of blowing apart heavily armored targets and vehicles. Being a Hippopotamus they are also very dangerous up close and can maul infantry in close quarters. They are however prohibitively expensive and were initially made for King P.’s birthday. [/hider] [hider=Horsantula] [b]Horsantula:[/b] Horses are fast, so why not give them more legs? In fact why not give them spider legs? Straight out of someone’s nightmare the Horsantula is a fast moving anti-infantry Chimera capable of brutalizing enemies with kicks, venomous fangs, and sprays of potent poison. It’s somewhat fragile, but it makes up for it with the sheer distance it's able to clear and it's frankly terrifying appearance. [/hider] [hider=Mecha-Lion] [b]Mecha-Lion:[/b] A properly completed Lion Chimera with 90% of all living tissue stripped away and replaced with cybernetics, with only the brain and select muscle tissue kept and maintained for improved performance. Equipped with a buzz saw main, razor sharp steel teeth, a poisoned spiked tail, and a flamethrower built into the back of its mouth, the Mecha-Lion is an aggress cybernetic killer ideal for cutting down men. [/hider] [hider=Mecha-Turtle] [b]Mecha-Turtle:[/b] A large turtle Chimera cut down the middle and heavily modified with cybernetic implants. The rear of its shell has been heavily reinforced with titanium plating, following out and filled with a weapons platform containing a rotary gatling gun, two machine guns, and a pair of multi-tube missile launchers. To better facilitate movement the rear legs of the turtle have been replaced with treads, turning it into a kind demented half-track. A helmet-like apparatus has been fixed to the turtle’s head, given it increased protection and optical sensors. While heavily armored and heavily armored, the Mecha-Turtle isn’t any faster than it was as a regular hurtle. It is best suited for defense, using its anti-infantry and anti-aircraft capabilities to defend or lock down areas. [/hider] [hider=Reconstructed Caribou] [b]Reconstructed Caribou:[/b] A gentle caribou modified extensively with mechanical cybernetics and turned into an aggressive berserker for the Pigmask Army. Lacking any armaments the Reconstructed Caribou relies on its speed and its antlers, releasing thick obscuring clouds of steam from its internal systems before charging into enemies with the force and speed of a truck, skewering them on its horns. [/hider] [hider=Reconstructed Lion] [b]Reconstructed Lion:[/b] Lion Heads left over from failed Mecha-Lion Chimeras, repurposed and mounted on a body of mechanical tentacles in order to not waste resources. Fast moving the Reconstructed Lion is capable of biting enemies, grappling them with its tentacles, and breathing fire from an apparatus in its neck. They are however somewhat fragile due to their ad-hoc nature. [/hider] [hider=Reconstructed Mole] [b]Reconstructed Mole:[/b] A giant mole with its legs replaced with cybernetic implants and its front arms replaced with massive drills. Its eyes have been surgically removed and replaced with a bar sensor, allowing the Mole to see in the dark and operate above ground without any light sensitivity issues. While effective in melee, the Reconstructed Mole is intended more as a support unit. Capable of rapidly digging tunnels, burrowing trenches, and breaking down fortifications. [/hider] [hider=Rhinocerocket] [b]Rhinocerocket/Rhinocerocket Mark II:[/b] A chimera created using a rocket with the living head of a rhinoceros mounted on the end. Complete madness, the Rincocerocket is essentially missing with a living guidance systems. Incredibly fast and evasive, the Rincoerorocket flies towards a target and attempts to stab it with its horns, ramming through enemy lines. When it hits a target it can't bowl over, it explodes with tremendous force. [/hider] [hider=Squawking Boomstick] [b]Squawking Boomstick:[/b] A chimera made up of a Sparrow head mounted on a stick. With poor balance, poor mobility, and limited offensive capabilities the 'Squawking Stick' was modified into a living bomb, waddling towards targets before detonating. [/hider] [u]Mechanized Infantry[/u] [hider=Atomic Power Robot] [b]Atomic Power Robot:[/b] Round bulbous robots on four wheels, essentially mobile atomic reactors. Their primary function is to repair and recharge other robots using a nozzle like arm used for maintenance and plugging into other robots. While invaluable they are fragile and always explode upon being destroyed. While not going nuclear, their explosions are quite large and leave contaminants in the area they go up in. [/hider] [hider=Battery Man] [b]Battery Man:[/b] A small, inexpensive robot whose body is composed of a high-capacity battery. While not capable of attacking targets, they can sacrifice themselves to re-charge or supercharge existing robots. [/hider] [hider=Clayman] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/earthbound/images/1/12/ClaymanBoss.png/revision/latest?cb=20081119235626[/img][/center] [b]Clayman:[/b]The main source of dumb labor and brute force in the Pigmask Army. Claymen are large, humanoid lumps of clay standing about seven feet tall and weighing around 300 pounds or so. Through an electric device stored in its body connected to an antenna sticking out of its head, Clayman are animated and serve as simplistic automatons. Capable of hauling loads far in excess to what a regular human can, they make for brutal melee combatants being remarkably durable due to lacking any complex moving parts or vital organs. They do however require regular recharging via electric shocks or outlets and will slow down and become inert if they go without power for long enough. This setup however makes them effectively immune to electrical damage however, as overloads of electrical energy will supercharge them. [/hider] [hider=K9000] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/earthbound/images/7/75/K9000.png/revision/latest?cb=20170306050342[/img][/center] [b]K9000:[/b] A vaguely canine robot with treads, a tail-like antenna at the back, and a large head that opens up at the bottom to release capsules containing small mini-mecha dogs. It is a unit that has no offensive capabilities on its own and is more akin to a miniature factory, spitting out swarms of destructive, miniature robots. [/hider] [hider=Minor Robot] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/earthbound/images/0/0e/Minorrobot.png/revision/latest?cb=20191121204224[/img][/center] [b]Minor Robot:[/b] A clumsy, rectangular robot with short arms and legs. Running of an armful of conventional batteries, the Minor Robot possesses little in the way of melee capabilities but sports a bomb launcher, an electrical arc emitter, and a DRoW-Z Beam that induces exhaustion and sleep. However its combat capabilities are hampered by its limited power supply, making it reliant on support units and mobile/stationary power sources to keep it going. Making it better suited for defense or as a cheap, throw away attack unit. [/hider] [hider=Recon Mech] [b]Recon Mech:[/b] A floating, pig-themed robot roughly the size of a soccer ball. Fast and featuring an array of sensors and communication devices, the Recon Mech’s purpose is mostly self-explanatory. Lacking any weapons its main purpose is to locate enemies and intruders, alerting all nearby using an irritating high-pitched alarm built into the unit. [/hider] [hider=Upgraded Robot] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/earthbound/images/5/56/Upgraded_Robot_1.png/revision/latest?cb=20110609222201[/img][/center] [b]Upgraded Robot:[/b] The upgraded version of the ‘Wobbly Robot’ a humanoid robot with terrible balance that was seemingly designed and produced with those flaws in mind. This upgraded model eliminates those issues, making some wonder why it wasn’t built this way to begin with. It uses its metal claw arms to bum-rush enemies, releasing a ‘forgetful’ gas to disrupt the special abilities of nearby enemy units, and firing off a powerful laser from it’s head. [/hider] [u]Land Vehicles[/u] [hider=Pork Bean] [center][img]https://lparchive.org/Mother-3/Update%2020/1-slide1.gif[/img][/center] [b]Pork Bean:[/b] A hovercraft shaped like a bean and painted pink with the trademark Pigmask Army symbol. It is fast, durable, and capable of carrying up to 12 people. Instead of gas it runs off a battery, requiring only a recharge now and then to continue operation. It is the main form of ground transport for the Pigmask Army and is occasionally used as something akin to an APC. However for all its speed it's not particularly maneuverable and it has trouble avoiding collisions. [/hider] [hider=Pork Tank] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/earthbound/images/b/bd/Pork_Tank.png/revision/latest/smart/width/200/height/200?cb=20090214182415[/img][/center] [b]Pork Tank:[/b] A modern, sturdy, white-armor plated tank bearing the Pigmask symbol. Belching black smoke and propelled by a powerful engine, the Pork Tank is a slow, low mobility tank with strong armor and high durability. Though it lacks a machine gun, its main gun is quite powerful albeit still using a manual loader. [/hider] [u]Air Vehicles[/u] [hider=Pork Mothership] [center][img]https://tcrf.net/images/3/3b/Mother3_Mothership_island.PNG[/img][/center] [b]Pork Mothership:[/b] A massive flying vehicle fitted with powerful nuclear rocket engines and hover technology, making it akin to a stereotypical 'flying saucer'. While large and not particularly manueverable, it is quite durable and armed to the teeth. More then capable of transporting large quantities of goods, equipment, and units across almost any terrain and landing in otherwise dangerous or contested areas. [/hider] [u]Special Units[/u] [hider=Pork Troopers] [b]Pork Troopers:[/b] Hulking, large armed men in custom fitted uniforms topped with horns. Equipped with protective padding, respirators, and steel gauntlets, Pork Troopers are some of the only truly physically and mentally capable soldiers in the Pigmask Army. Competent leaders and dangerous combatants devastated enemies in close quarters, rallying other Pigmasks with their raw strength. Troopers however are a rarity in the Pigmask Army and available in far fewer numbers. [/hider] [hider=Mecha-Drago] [b]Mecha-Drago:[/b] A truly horrific, yet incredible Chimera experiment. Augmenting the already ferocious Drago, a peaceful yet powerful creature of the Nowhere Islands, with extensive cybernetic enhancements. With tough blade proof hide, teeth capable of rendings steel as easily as flesh, and bone shaking war cries, the Drago is capable of stomping vehicles flat and biting men clean in half. It is also equipped with a flame cannon, installed into its body and firing out of its throat. While tremendously powerful they are also hideously expensive due to the difficulties and immense dangers with trying to capture so much as a single Drago. [Build Cap 1/1] [/hider] [hider=Mecha Porky] [b]Mecha Porky:[/b] Robotic versions of Porky as a child, built for use as poor body doubles and remote units to allow Porky to interact with the world from relative safety. They are capable of attacking using their mechanical limbs and are equipped with PSI counters that reflect back psionic attacks. Each unit is equipped with a powerful explosive, allowing them to make suicide attacks and ensuring they damage enemies should they be destroyed exploding on death. [Build Cap: 11] [/hider] [hider=Steel Mechorilla] [b]Steel Mechorilla[/b] [/hider] [hider=Ultimate Chimera] [b]Ultimate Chimera[/b]: ??? [/hider] [hider=Masked Men] [b]Masked Man:[/b] A pair of extensively modified cyborgs built from the bodies of two young, powerfully PSI adept boys. Essentially a human Chimera the Masked Men are emotionless killing machines armed with advanced weapons and psionic powers. Their right arms are replaced with energy cannons, they wield energy swords, and utilize powerful electrokinetic attacks. With wings and jet thrusters the Masked Men possesses tremendous mobility. For all their power however they are entirely irreplaceable and only two can ever be built. [2/2] [/hider] [color=FFB6C1][h2][b]Nation Traits[/b][/h2][/color] [color=00FF00][h3]Land of Processed Food[/h3][/color] The Pork Empire has a ravenous appetite that it knows how to satiate using whatever land is available to them. Any land under the control of the Pork Empire has its arability doubled and the amount of food produced using the land is doubled as well. [color=FF0000][h3]Immoral Science[/h3][/color] The Pork Empire starts with more advanced technology then would be permitted otherwise and has bonuses for research and development due to the sheer unrestrained methods used. However because of these methods the Pork Empire ends up seen in an unfavorable light by any who know of their experimentations or research. Hindering them tremendously in the area of diplomacy.