Bane grabbed him and slammed him against the tree. “No, she’s been a guardian of the spirit realm since the gates were formed and she was doing great till the dirt bag in charge took someone dear to her and is holding them to make her work with them and not do it her breaking you out without a problem she she wants to. Or find new gate keepers the right way...or wiping the floor with the crap we are dealing with her way. No, she has to follow the same rules we all do because if she doesn’t...the only family she has left will suffer. So shut up, leave her alone and just keep all negative comments to yourself...she has enough on her plate without your jerk comments” Serena looked at him and said “Bsne wasn’t there for that and neither was I...he has no right to rag on bane who has been trying to make it better for him...or me when I really understand what he is going thru...” she got up and walked over and said “please just help me tie my arm better and stop the bleeding from my head...then we can keep going..” she was starting to look pale now. But they heard a growl and a branch snap. She turned sharply and pulled her sword free, her eyes glowing silver as her shadows moved around them both defending. “ close are we to the gate?”