[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210309/5689b6395b8279d1015505309adaa1f2.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#A84B5E][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Laughing Worg Tavern, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] [color=#A84B5E]“Whatever.”[/color] Rael retorted as she turned her back, grabbing the plate of her own food as she slinked toward the stairs. Finding a seat on the second floor looked like her immediate plans, not only to get away from Kalie and Alja, but to also… take note of things. She had interacted with the bartender, Dariel, before. But this was the first time he responded as if he had [i]autonomy[/i]. It had taken her off-guard, making her wonder what the deal was. Denizens didn’t [i]touch[/i] wayfarers. They were complex, certainly, but they weren’t living and breathing identities of their own. It made her think back to the programming complexity of the technology and how the creator had originally created the technology to study the space between dreams. They could feel pain. They could die. They could feel the temperature and humidity, the ails of weather. And now they could interact with denizens in such a way. Had a denizen after cast a spell before that wasn’t to explain how a spell worked in the fraternities? She thought back to her “home city” of Theremia. The only conclusion she could come up was that the simulation had its “training wheels” removed. That was the only way to explain how the hack was doing all of this. What was next? [/indent][/indent][/indent]