[h2]The Sakurazawa Homunculus[/h2] The sight before Hitomi's eyes was her Berserker outfitted like some sort of stereotypical delinquent, the type who might hang around alleyways and engage in street corner brawls over the honor of a woman or something of that nature. Just how had he acquired that clothing so quickly?! "I suppose golden is one word for it," commented the small girl, waving one hand as she did, "But I don't think you have a chance of blending in looking like that." Sakata Kintoki was a huge, muscular man who would stand out in a crowd of bodybuilders, let alone the average person. However, that wasn't her concern at the moment. "Hmph, it will do for tonight I suppose," Hitomi folded her arms across her chest with a nod to herself. She already had a plan for the proceedings tonight. She had summoned a legendary figure born on these very lands, in a class that could enhance his already-impressive capabilities, and yet in his case left his mind intact. There was no reason not to press her advantage. "Berserker, we're going to strike first," she began, "Any one of our opponents on the streets tonight will soon learn to regret their decision." [@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]Saber[/h2] "I am Mordred, the one and only true heir of King Arthur Pendragon!" She had arisen from the circle with a singular purpose in mind. She had felt the call, not only from someone seeking to summon a Heroic Spirit, but from someone using a catalyst tied to the round table itself. A worthless piece of trash, for sure, but an opportunity she would not, could not, pass up. "So, are you my Master?" The woman who had summoned her, who had answered her, was... ... kind of a disappointment, but whatever. On the overweight side it looked like, though it was hard to tell with the clothing she was wearing, definitely not the type who was used to any kind of fighting. but whatever. It's not like she had to do any fighting, right? Saber knew she could take care of all of it by herself. The blonde knight knew there wouldn't be any problem. She was going to crush their opposition and claim her wish, claim the throne, for herself! Just as was her right! To her dismay, the 'strategy' that her Master chose to employ in spite of her eagerness to strike first was to remain in this apartment, doing as little as possible, in a bid to wait for opponents to come to them instead. Mordred couldn't stand it. Being cooped up inside without doing anything would be bad enough even if there wasn't a chance to be taking out her enemies, but all they'd done for two whole days was stay inside while her Master occasionally reinforced the bounded field surrounding her home. It was maddening. She didn't care if this catered to her Master's skillset or whatever! She was the one fighting! and she [i]wanted[/i] to fight! She'd had enough. "That's it, Master! We're going out tonight, and we're going to enter this war already! I'm not going to sit here like a coward any longer!" At this point, grabbing her Master's hand and physically dragging her from the house into the night seemed like the only course of action. So it's exactly what she did. [@Rin]