There were four guardsmen here. From the look of their uniforms, they weren't of very high rank, more or less basic grunts. One of them seemed to carry himself with more swagger than the others, perhaps due to some level of seniority. "Aye. There is a problem here: An orc slave ship just showed up, sans orcs, but with many slaves. These lands are [i]still[/i] Doros and we don't tolerate slavery in this country. Added that we have some trouble with orcs as of late, you'll understand that we'll have to confiscate this property and bring the slaves in for questioning." From the way the man speaks, you're well aware that this is the moment he expects some form of bribery. The other slaves look on from the boat, a mix of fear and uncertainty on their faces. Your deck wizard had something to say about this. "You don't see any orcs because we [i]killed[/i] those orcs. And precisely because those orcs have been a menace, and by the [abbr=The Right of Acquisition is a trade law set by Doros that basically means that you're free to keep whatever loot or plunder you can find from outlaws, pirates, and other enemies of the state, with the expectation that you also accept full responsibility for yourself and others for any injury or loss you sustain in the process. It also means they have no reason to compensate you for hunting down outlaws and other criminals, nor do they have to assist you if you go picking a fight and start losing.]Right of Acquisition[/abbr], that ship and their possessions are ours to do with what we wish." Nyx stood her ground, arms crossed, but hidden in her hand was her small wooden wand, ready to join you if you want to start something.