[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210119/e22bd06ad7c8eb71800663bf01cd8627.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr] For a second, Alja just...stared. A Denizen had just...used magic. Touched her. Interacted with her. Moved her. [i]Scolded[/i] her. Something absolutely [i]insane[/i] was happening, apparently. So she stared blankly until Seele arrived, bringing with her a semblance of sanity, and Alja's mind clicked into gear again. [i][color=d1fffc]Just...roll with it, I guess.[/color][/i] She dropped her head, sighing. "[color=d1fffc]I'm sorry,[/color]" she offered to the innkeeper, whose name was unknown to her. "[color=d1fffc]I've had a bit of a...long day,[/color]" She motioned at the table where she'd been lying in a drunken daze since late last night, swallowing a lump in her throat that had formed for some reason, "[color=d1fffc]but that's no excuse for disturbing the peace. It won't happen again.[/color]" She listened to Kalie speaking as the assassin went on, but her thoughts were already far away. Kelly wasn't very good with people. She'd never learned to read their body language, go by the unwritten rules, figure out what she needed to do. But Alja [i]was.[/i] And she [i]had[/i] done all those things. She was [i]good[/i] at social perception. And Rael's body language had...well. It had shut down. Something Alja had said had touched a nerve deep inside of the smaller woman, it seemed. And she felt [i]horrible.[/i] As Siegfried came to sit down on Kalie's other flank, it all grew too much for Alja. She knew that Seele was better at this kind of gentle touch than she was. Rael wouldn't be keen to listen to her just then. So she bolted to a standing position and strode rapidly--if a bit unsteadily--over to the more crowded table, where some of the other survivors of the dungeon raid had begun to congregate, pulling a chair up and plopping herself down into it as their voices escalated, much like hers had. When she spoke, her voice had largely returned to normal, though there was still a touch of Scot in it. "[color=d1fffc]I'm sorry y'had to see that. 'S not like me to lash out like that.[/color]" Another heavy, [i]tired[/i] sigh. "[color=d1fffc]So then, what're ya discussin', and can I possibly convince ya to calm down?[/color]"