[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210309/5689b6395b8279d1015505309adaa1f2.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#A84B5E][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Laughing Worg Tavern, The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] As Seele went to stand up a commotion could be heard from downstairs. Yelling. Some kind of argument. It sounded like Benkei and Graves. Benkei and [i]Graves[/i]. She sighed as she noticed Seele immediately go for the stairwell in a huff after giving the red-haired girl a polite “Excuse me.” As the event unfolded. Rael didn’t join her particularly, deciding to instead go near the second floor’s railing to have a closer look from a distance. Her group, or parts of it, in the corner. Graves looked absolutely out of his mind—offended by something Kazuki said before Benkei rushed over to his brother’s defense. It was hard to make out given there were [i]dozens[/i] of conversations happening throughout the two floors of the tavern. Her brows narrowed as she quickly returned to her tabled and packed her things away. She was no de-escalator. No leader. Not really. But Graves had been the only one to give her time of the day since they buried Aaganimm, Atlas, and Enos. Hell, Graves was the one who [i]buried[/i] them. He had her attention and respect, even if he did throw in a pointed comment in her direction now-and-again. [color=#A84B5E]“Bunch of idiots.”[/color] Graves threw his hands up in the air and gathered his things and Rael gave a heft sigh as she looked over to the direction of the doors and followed it upstairs until she reached an adjacent window. The windows were all already open. It was an awful humid and hot day. She jumped through the window, her feet landing on the stone-brick awning below. [b][color=#A84B5E]“Hey!”[/color][/b] She called out as Graves made for the town square. [b][color=#A84B5E]“Moron! Where do you think you are going?”[/color][/b] He stopped at the sound of her voice. Probably would’ve kept moving if it was anyone else. They were the only two who had some kind of bond she supposed, even if it was a fickle and weak one. He had dragged her to the tavern to work out a plan with Benkei and the others and he was just going to ditch her when it got tough? No way. She was not having it. She moved to the left before jumping down like a cat, or she supposed a ‘monkey’. Her boots hitting the stone road with a nice ‘thunk’ as she did so. She supposed it was time to cool off, or find Priscilica. She doubted the man wanted to go back inside after the scene he had just made. She moved toward him as he said a few things before the two were in non-shouting distance. She wanted to ask if he was okay. She didn’t. [/indent][/indent][/indent]