[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin - Candaeln[/h2] "Yes, all vampires need to have exceptional mana reserves whilst still alive and I don't know of a single exception. Unlike sapient undead, it seems to be a very consistent process," she answered, wondering if there was any point going into speculation about why that might be--not really, that was more a thing for the mage college and the details they wanted were out of her skillset, "Find someone with enough mana and all that matters after that is how determined the target is. I don't know why someone would have picked Damon Cal, but I seem to still be here because I tried to kill the one responsible." Tyaethe turned around and started erasing her existing diagram, replacing it with a grid. [img]https://i.imgur.com/pb9tdnf.png[/img] "I like to think you can categorise most vampires based on how long they've had to practice and how hungry they are. Someone who hasn't been a vampire for long won't have anything on their side beyond extra strength, so you could probably take them with a bit of caution," she said, turning around and putting her hands on her hips. "If they're an experienced warrior, they're more likely to avoid fighting when starved, but if you can force it then you [i]just[/i] need to overcome the strength difference and any healing they can still do." [i]Now[/i] she seemed to be annoyed, frowning and pointing at the last column, "The problem is [i]this[/i] lot. Charging a mage with that much experience and mana head on, or getting into some magical contest with them, is a bad idea even when stabbing them [i]will[/i] be fatal. You can bank on some predilection towards blood related magic, since every vampire seems to have some affinity for it, but they could just as easily fill a corridor with a wall of blades. Unless you have some idea of what an unknown vampire can do or how old they are, rushing in could easily get everyone killed. You [i]need[/i] to be prepared for magical retaliation." Though the frown did seem to go away as she looked at the diagram again, "If you ever meet a vampire who's both a powerful mage [i]and[/i] warrior instead of splitting the difference like Damon Cal: first, why are you near Talderia; second, don't pretend you like undead or don't mind, just be honest and try to kill her. You're more likely to live." [@ghastlyInc][@Crimson Paladin]