[center][h1]The [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/185012-slay-the-spire/ooc]OOC[/url] is up![/h1][/center] The title really said it all... I've been thinking about an RP set in the Slay the Spire setting. The only things I'd say we change are that we don't have to be one of the four canon characters, we can be whoever we want to be! There wouldn't the roguelike aspect, or the cards. It'd purely be a small group adventure to the top of the Spire. Our heroes will have been trapped within the Spire for centuries in an endless loop to try and reach the top. Try as they might, they've never managed to truly escape. They thought they were alone with their curse, but Neow has called for a shift in the Spire's rules, and he has brought together our heroes to tackle the Spire together. Our heroes would start with the usual amnesia upon waking up in the hellish depths of the Spire before the Great Neow. As always, he would remind them of their curse, their challenge, and send them on their way. The only memories they have are the skills they've mastered over the hundreds of years of repetition. It is muscle memory, a constant nagging in the back of their minds that tells them that they've done this countless times before. Yet they cannot remember. I'm thinking of a group of 4 players. Would anyone else be interested in such an idea? We could retain the quirkiness of the original Slay the Spire, or we could add a level of horror and darkness to it which would really nail the grim situation our heroes find themselves in. Perhaps we could find a strange blend, where insanity has found a strange order within the Spire.