[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hhRK5gB.png[/img] — [b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b] — [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/70/8f/18/708f180b6eba4d826621c47e716c1658.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b]infirmary, Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Vivian Lucasta [@metanoia], Zane Blacklight [@Theyra][/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Kalinda flicked a glance back to Zane, giving a soft sigh, [color=firebrick]"A healer going with them would be great, but I don't know if it will happen. Erin will take people she trusts explicitly... and I doubt any of them would be left behind anyway. We'll just have to prepare for them as much as we can."[/color] She moved to the back of the infirmary, grabbing one of a few packs she often had ready- just in case they were needed. She sighed heavily, wishing she could prepare for anything, but it was viritually impossible to know what might happen. She moved back to Zane and Vivian, her mind moving fast as she flicked through options and what would be important. She looked over to Vivian with concern as her sister spoke, the other girl uncharistically quite. She watched her for a few moments, knowing that VIvian had to be okay- she'd just checked her, but she still worried. [color=firebrick]"They'll get everything we can spare. I'll see about getting those that can working on more to restock."[/color] More than likley Kalinda was going to have some late nights ahead of her. Well, she often had trouble sleeping these days. it might be good to have something to focus on. And there were, after all, plenty of beds in the infirmary if she did end up passing out. And perhaps she wouldn't be alone in it. One thing about the camp and other campers was that when needed, they did come together. As evident by what was happening. Kalinda wasn't sure how to feel about that, but it didn't matter right then. [color=firebrick]"Hopefully they won't need what we give them, but it'll be there if they do."[/color] She shifted again, gaze flicking over the infirmary. [color=firebrick]"Lets gather what we can. You wanna pack it all up, Viv? I get too impatient with making it fit nicely."[/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/akencSk.png[/img] — [b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b] — [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/9a441d0a5b8c8212c64c59bb92fdbdd0/tumblr_inline_nwqle345uQ1sjlo8s_250.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b]Camp Half-Blood - Long Island Sound; New York. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Alina Leora Kim [@King Kindred][/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Jamie leaned low over the horses back, unable to help the laugh that escaped them as the majestic animal took to the gallop as if she were riding to freedom. In a way, Jamie supposed, they were. Back home. Back to camp, where they'd be safe for a time. Jamie could have easily taken a car or travelled in a more direct way to the quest, but then they wouldn't have been able to enjoy a ride- and Jamie did love horses. Oh, sure, pegasus were stunning and all, but there was something about riding a horse at full speed, unrestrained, that just made Jamie happy. Jamie would take whatever happiness that they could get, particuarly lately. Jamie's sword- a familiar weight these days- was secured against the saddle- and Jamie would occassionally brush against it, as if to remind themselves that it was still there. The large sword might not be the most convient of weapons, but Jamie lvoed it. And a part of Jamie thought that it signified Jamie themselves... elegant, if a bit rough around the edges, strong and delicate all at once. At least that's what Jamie thought. As Jamie relaxed, they let Starlight have her head, the horse eagerly making way to the camp. Reaching up, Jamie ran a hand through their hair, debating about getting it cut again, or trying to let it grow out for the hundredth time this year. Abesntly, Jamie's thoughts moved towards the money they had plopped into their mothers account- no doubt Jamie would get a message about it, as Their mother always wanted to know how Jamie was getting it. Well, Jamie wasn't about to tell her that it was a bit of trickery. Let their mother think Jamie was coming by it honestly. It would put her mind at rest. And jamie could be satisfied that the family was looked after. As they passed the permitier into the camp, Jamie's shoulders eased and a worry that Jamie hadn't been aware of faded. Letting out a slow breath, Jamie relaxed completely for the first time in days and Jamie shifted, leaning down to reach into the pack on the otherside of the saddle, taking out a flask. Taking a long drink from it, Jamie eventaully pulled Starlight into a trot, and then a walk, seeking to cool the horse down before returning to the stables. As they past the tower, Jamie frowned. Wasn't it a challenge day? Shouldn't there be other campers here? Gaze moving over the camp, Jamie slid of Starlight's back, taking the horses reins in one hand, continuing towards the stables. Something had happened... something bad. Where was everyone? Well, there was always one person you could go to for gossip. Alina no doubt had answers, and Jamie automatically shifted towards the Iris cabin. Jamie was unsurprised to find Alina lounging on the porch of the cabin, and Jamie raised a brow. [color=#DA70D6]"Late start to the day? Bummer. Was hoping for some answers as to what the fuck is going on. Thought it was a tower day... must have got the days mixed up... "[/color]