[Center][color=7D8C81][H1]Goblin Aya[/H1][/color][/Center] [color=ed1c24]"All I need is my fists, at least for right now. I know there must be ways to make my punch stronger but until then I fight with what I was born with"[/color] Huh? Talking to Argos was almost painful for Aya and it certainly wasn’t helping to alleviate her worries. What did he mean by fighting with what he was born with? He did realise he’d been born with a brain as well as his fists right or for that matter that the whole point of having hands in the first place was for manipulating tools?! Also when was the until then that he was referring too? She was trying to present him with that opportunity right now! Aya had been partway through formulating a second attempt at convincing Argos not to throw their lives away when her sisters approached them and berated Argos for dragging Aya off. It seemed like sister Kir really liked bonking people on the head and while Aya couldn’t exactly say that she hadn’t wanted to do the same when her explanations had fallen flat and been met with a dumb response, it seemed that the bonking hadn’t exactly solved much, given only moments later both siblings in questions were headed the opposite directions in a huff. How had things fallen apart so quickly? On the one hand, regardless of how her species had made it thus far Aya wanted to be one of the goblins on the surviving side of the equation and to achieve that goal following her sisters was the obvious choice, Lexie had summed things up pretty well with her earlier comment, but at the same time if Aya was right about goblin survivability and her brother had only gotten lucky thus far, wouldn’t it be her fault if she went and let him kill himself? Aya’s already sharp breaths became even shallower as she tried to grapple with the idea. Surely letting someone die would be no different from outright killing them if she didn’t at least try to stop it right? [color=7D8C81]“You guys shouldn’t be arguing about this! Our best chance at survival is to band together and pool our resources,”[/color] Aya maintained her usual smile as she spoke but her voice had become a little wobbly and she could feel herself shaking. After trying and failing to calm herself with some deep breaths Aya moved to face Argos, [color=7D8C81]“Er- brother, I’m going to go with my sisters because I’m afraid of dying and I think that’s my best chance, but I really think you should come with us if you can… If you want to use what you were born with or whatever that’s fine but as far as I can tell the biggest advantages we were born with are our numbers and intelligence rather than our physical strength…”[/color] Aya trailed off, unsure of how to continue before simply running back over to her sisters, she doubted she’d gotten through to her brother, but what else could she do? [color=7D8C81]“I doubt we’ll be able to find anything immediately outside our home, at least not that hasn’t already been hunted or scared away, but should we look for something to make the net with first?”[/color] She asked, looking around to see if she could spot anything and trying her hardest to distract herself from the previous. [color=7D8C81]“Vines or something?”[/color] [@Jangel13][@Crusader Lord][@SilverPaw] [hider=System & Inventory] [b][color=7D8C81]EXP:[/color][/b] 0 [b][color=7D8C81]Acquired Skills:[/color][/b][list][*][b]Primitive Crafting:[/b] Ancient civilizations used the very same methods as they harvested the base materials at their disposal to make weapons. Learned how to make primitive traps like spike pits, holes, and spike traps. Also learned to make bone/wood weapons such as clubs, bows, slings. [*][b]Knowledge of the Three:[/b] Knowing the names of the god and goddesses of the world they live in they can now properly worship them. Ramos god of light and the sun, Duvelna goddess of death and the night, Shirila the goddess of the earth and nature. [/list][b][color=7D8C81]Titles:[/color][/b][list][*] N/A [/list][b][color=7D8C81]Blessings:[/color][/b][list][*] N/A [/list][b][color=7D8C81]Curses:[/color][/b][list][*] N/A [/list][b][color=7D8C81]Inventory:[/color][/b][list][*] Horn Rabbit Pelt [*] Horn Rabbit Horn [/list][/hider] [hider=Summary][list] [*]Aya tried to convince Argos to go with her sisters. [*]Aya returned to her sisters and suggested they look for materials to make the net first while surveying her surroundings for any applicable materials. [/list][/hider]