[center][h1][color=lightblue]The Blue Blunder[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] "Not all of us an do a full body workout in twenty minutes." Ted retorted, looking at his literally sculpted abs on his suit. "I've got a pretty demanding job outside of all this and it's not like I have the time to do all this and still make a living." Ted said as he annunciated his point with a wave of his arms. In truth his mind was about a fifty-fifty split between the whole 'imposter among us' issue and running his company. He'd recently bought into a new blooming market for relatively cheap but wasn't seeing very much in the way of revenue, in fact the whole venture seemed to be a cash dump at the moment. While Kord Industries did nearly everything under the sun, one area they had yet to dip their toes into was the entertainment industry. Having come to that realization Ted began making a push to get the company's image out there and where better to test the waters that the world wide web, more specifically video sharing websites. Things were slow to start, turned out you couldn't just pump money into the project to make it grow naturally. However once the top 5 videos began the 'Kord-tertainment' channel began to explode in popularity. The videos got tons of views and a fair amount of likes but the comments left were all jabs at the company itself. Now Ted's been spending his nights trying figure out how to salvage the whole thing and not tarnish his company's image. His current plan of attack was a collaborative video with another popular content creator going by the name of Critical of Nostolgia or something along those lines. In truth Ted was glad to be in his Blue Beetle suit and away from the online hellscape for a minute. Ted was snapped out of his own troubles when Wonder Woman came over the speakers. "We'd better get over to Wondie. Time to show you what these fake muscles can do." Ted said with a grin as he began to haul it over to the hanger