As Nyx spoke, Talogan met the guards with a hard and withering gaze. Especially the one who stood a little taller than the rest and had declared their intent to confiscate the ship and take the former slaves into custody. Over the years, Talogan had built a reputation for himself as someone who was not to be crossed lightly. Several stories told at the fireplaces of dockside taverns across Keratia spoke of the hobgoblin dressed in blue and the many painful fates that awaited those who aroused his anger. Usually, this meant that guards didn't bother Talogan, provided he at the very least limited himself to minor criminal offences. Things were different with the guards of havens though. Pirates were expected to conduct themselves with civility in the havens if they wanted to do business there. This often led to the local law enforcement of the havens feeling confident enough to throw their weight around with the pirates who made port there. Fortunately, haven guards tended to fold easily enough when Talogan refused to dance to their tune and looked threatening. Already the guards before him were showing the signs of faltering courage. "Well said, Ms. Orocho." Talogan said to Nyx once she was done talking. "I couldn't have put it better myself." Talogan then looked back at the guards. The hard look in his eyes was gone. The even, impassive look he usually wore now back in its place. "Now then, if that is all, don't let us keep you any longer." Talogan said to them. "Unless, of course, there is some other problem you would like to bring up?" [hider=Rolls and Information] Action: Talogan intimidates the guards into moving on. He rolls a [url=]23[/url] in the attempt. [/hider]