Alright, so here's the character. I'm going for a kind of reluctant god/ruler approach, where Zachary really just wants to live a normal life but can't due to what he is. Destiny, if you could even call it that, foretells his ascension to ruling or at least mediating things in his Verse or Existence if we want to use the terminology found here, yet he does not want that. No matter what though, people and events always find a way to remind him of what he is and what he must eventually do, or force him to use/bestow his power. Much to his chagrin. [url=]Zachary Gray.[/url] And this next link is lore the author of the CYOA wrote, which is vital for understanding the scale Zachary actually operates on as a Living God, not to mention understanding how his Existence-Verse-works cosmologically. Now obviously, due to the Anarchic Verses selection on his sheet, only the structure is the same and maybe a few organizations or factions. There are no Master Gods or any of that in his Verse, just him. Another reason why the Royalty must claim the empty throne. Now, granted, there are other powerful beings. But he's at the apex of his Verse's and pretty much every other Verse's pecking order if he chooses to be. [url=]The Verse.[/url] Finally, here's a link to the CYOA itself for greater context. [url=]Living God CYOA - Amaranthea Update.[/url]