Primeape brought it's left arm up to protect itself, wincing slightly as the electric attack hit. The attack did little actual damage, but did nothing to deter the Primeape's mood. With another cry it charged at Pikachu, aiming to grab the little mouse in it's hands. At the aame time, Leaf realized what she was doing and let go of Robert, blushing. "Right, sorry." She muttered, grabbing her pokeball and sending out her own Pokemon. "Vulpix! Use ember!" Out of her pokeball came a small golden fox, a Vulpix. The gold fox immediately spat out a burst of fiery embers from her mouth, nailing Primeape right in the face. Crying out in pain, the Primeape stumbled back, holding it's hands to it's face. It brushed away the embers, before turning it's glare at Vulpix.