[i]It had taken all of five minutes for the cloaked and clanking enigma to scuttle back to the depths of Lakkos from whence it came. Leaving behind a pouting young lioness, and a not quite as young lizard, his dignified chin pouch wobbling as he shook his head in sympathy. “Ahhh, you mustn’t take it to heart, young one. On the contrary, I’d say you did rather admirably, for a first try. You can’t expect those walking science experiments to understand pleasantries so easily.” “Hmmph.” Vasilia drew herself up indignantly. “If that’s how you really feel about her, then I shan’t invite you to our teatime next week.” “Can you imagine! What would you even serve them?” “I’d tell you, but I’m afraid that would breach a sacred trust. Sworn to secrecy. Can’t say.” Every passing moment he stared in silence made it harder to school the satisfied smile from her face. “...wait, you’re serious?” “Don’t look so shocked, darling. They’re really quite the pleasant sort, once you learn to speak their language.” “But, I, just now - you were speaking our language...?” “Oh please, you’re too much!” She giggled, patting him on the back. “I’ll only say this; you don’t walk around so obviously covered, head to toe, day in and day out, if you don’t enjoy the game of it at least a little~.”[/i] ************************************************************************ “Ah, the winds! Who among us can count them, much less name them. Where they come, and where they go, only the gods know, and yet! We are all of us carried along by them. Never understood the saying myself, if I must be honest. Would we not find where the winds go, if we only kept following? And yet, there is always a stopping. Curious, don’t you think?” [i]We venture from unknown to unknown, farther and further into the Frontier, further than any have gone before.[/i] “You know who I would ask if I could? Hermes. Obvious answer, I know, but that doesn’t make it any less right. Unless...no, if I really wanted to cheat, I’d say [i]the gods[/i], but really, I like to think we’re better than that. You hear tales of the poor fools who ignore the gods, but how many are there of those who think of them too much? There’s a literary niche there just waiting to be filled, mark my words.” [i]The gods, plural, have taken heed of our journey.[/i] “The ant stores for the colony, the bear for the winter, the home for the homecoming, and what does Hades store away for? What notes did he write for the great Daedalus’ eyes only? If they found their way to pockets familiar, whose eyes would they reach next?” [i]Our away team seeks architectural curiosities from the time of Molech, or even earlier. And if you’d like to join in this dance, I could do with a partner.[/i] [Auto-success on Speak Softly: Vasilia wants to get to know Borin better. What’s their place on the ship’s hierarchy, and how do they feel about it?]