Echo smiled towards marigold as she spoke, "It's okay." She started, looking to Gaia quietly, "You'll learn. Everything takes time, Hunter was a woos when he was a young pup." She said with a laugh, "Well, so I've been told. Mia remembers most of it." Gaia fluttered over to Marigold and gently landed on her shoulder. "We all take steps differently, We don't regret choosing you." She said before she pressed her head against Marigolds. A small burning sensation echoed through Marigolds' skin, near just behind her ear. "A gift from the forest to you." Gaia whispered, "A small, invisible sign. Myself and my brother will always be able to reach you." She said. Hunter nodded at Marigolds' words, lowering himself to the ground. "Hop on, I'll run you back." He said with a small nod, "We'll be safe. The Ki'rin has got things sorted." He said as he gently gave her a nudge. [hr] April placed the moon water jug on the table beside them, moving to pull up her sleeve and held the knife to Hazel with a small smile. "If you wish to help." She said calmly, "I will need your help anyway, Harpy dander is not something I can get easily." She said with a laugh. She held her wrist over the water jar with a small smile, "I'm ready when you are." April said as she breathed in. "The curse is persistent, We're not entirely sure [i]why[/i] the curse is so strong. Apparently the Witch really didn't like Fay." Fay watched April, her eyes showing worry as she looked towards Hazel. "Please don't harm." She uttered to Hazel, watching April again carefully.