A new day had arisen, and the morning air was nice and cool. Another decent day in Singapore, thanks in no small part to the safety maintained by the hero commission of the region. After the commotion from yesterday, things were dull. Everyone had a day to rest after such a hectic ordeal, most of them, anyway. The Amur Tiger had his hands full with a case of murder. The victim being a pro hero...That day, Zeal himself was notified that a telekinetic hero by the name of Matterbender had been declared dead by the large amount of her blood spilled in a tucked away corner of town. There was no body, there was no witness, not even so much as a fingernail or anything else to denote a face - or even an assailant - to connect with what had happened. Whoever had killed this hero was gone like a ghost. All that remained other than the blood to even suggest someone had been in a scuffle was the surrounding area. Damage to the facades of buildings, chunks of concrete scrapped and dented in ways no ordinary citizen could handle. Trash cans were knocked over empty, and their contents scattered violently. It showed an intense afterimage of a fight, but all the same was the lack of a body. DNA testing showered Matterbender's blood, but no body. All of this, the Amur Tiger was made aware of, and Zeal as well, but the results were ultimately fixed on one thing: There was a murderer on the loose with the capability to take down heroes and get away without a trace. It was only a matter of time before this happened again. In the meantime, the early morning news report had somehow caught wind. Perhaps someone tipped off the press or the authorities passed it along for everyone's safety. In any case, word of the uncharacteristically vague killing was being broadcasted at this very moment all across Singapore. Anyone watching the tv would see it, such as the young heroes visiting their friend, Yi, on this otherwise peaceful morning in their city. [color=c4df9b][indent]"Good morning Singapore, today we bring troubling news of a hero presumed dead." "Late last night, reports of screams and fighting led the hero Amur Tiger to a crime scene. What was found was little more than a large pool of dried blood and evidence of a fight between an attacker and a victim. No body has been recovered, but the 23rd hero of Singapore, the Matterbender, has been identified as the one who the blood came from. Currently, Matterbender is nowhere to be found, but was last see patrolling the area where the scene of the crime was found. She is currently presumed to be dead."[/indent][/color] The video feed showed an image of Matterbender in her hero gear, as well as a set of knives collected for evidence as it continued. [color=c4df9b][indent]The only other evidence to show that Matterbender was present is these knives, records show they were her weapons which she used along side her quirk. Some of them are broken, but all of them show heavy, recent damage. The assailant of this attack is nowhere to be found, and reports say the authorities were unsuccessful in finding any leads or clues as to who Matterbender's supposed killer is, or where they have gone. The number one hero, Zeal, has requested that we pass along a message to the public: Be careful when walking into less populated areas, and try to avoid travelling alone or at night. If you suspect anything abnormal, or have information that could be important, report it to the police or the hero commission as soon as you can."[/indent][/color] Mizo wasn’t even awake yet, let alone watching the news, Penrose was watching intently, a hero killer wasn’t good. It couldn’t just be an average person, especially not in a place as tight on military heroism as Singapore. Something about the whole situation was unsettling to her. This could be a one time thing or it could be that every hero in the country was at risk. Would this villain stop there? Probably not. Bad things were coming.