Kick - Pull - Slash - Lunge. The problem wasn't the attacks so much but it was the order of which they came, initially they didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason towards them. It took a fair bit of time to realize that Totsu was getting pulled back to the middle every time and he seemed to fight better while he was in the middle. Though getting any time to charge up an attack while stood off to the side of the arena proved a rather frustrating challenge. The best she could manage was to whittle down his health and chug one of the health potions she got in a totally fair and just manner for full price. It took her longer than anticipated considering her stellar performance in her last trials, her attention never holding for long and having to readjust herself to her surroundings which caused a lot of interrupted spells and moving around but finally. Finally the smarmy butthole lay defeated. Laig, not deserving of the honor of being called Ser if you'd ask some, fell down to one knee finally, [color=gold]"Huzzah! A Worthy Squire!"[/color] he continued speaking but it all just went in one ear and out of the other. She slumped down onto the ground and leaned back, looking towards the sky. [color=45bd2a]"I'll be on later today... I'm going to rest for a moment"[/color] she spoke up before bringing up her menu and pressing "Log Out", her character soon disappearing. Lifting the gear off of his head, a young man lay there with messy hair that hadn't been trimmed in a while. Resting in an inclined bed wearing a blue buttoned up shirt, his bottom half under the covers. He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes even though the lighting within the room was remarkably soft, groaning a bit before reaching for two things on his nightstand; a pair of glasses and a tablet that was charging. He slid his glasses on and opened his messenger app, tapping on "Usernames" before sending, [color=45bd2a]"Sorry for logging off so abruptly. That guy was really getting on my nerves. Plus I have to be somewhere in twenty minutes, I'll likely be on after dinner"[/color] Closing it before moving to another app, tapping the cover image of a book he had been reading, letting out a sigh as he started to relax for the moment he could afford. The serene silence was finally broken by a series of knocks at the door, [color=ff0000]"Enter"[/color] he spoke. A man somewhat older than him, late twenties maybe entered and smiled, [color=00ffff]"Good Afternoon Shun"[/color] the older man said as he closed the door behind him. [color=ff0000]"Finally done with the 'Sir'?"[/color] [color=00ffff]"Well you have stated your dislike for it. Even though i don't agree with you"[/color] [color=ff0000]"See. It's not so hard."[/color] The bedridden boy smiled, [color=ff0000]"I jest. Thank you Jessy"[/color] Jessy nodded his head, taking a wheelchair from the against the wall and pushing it up against the bed, engaging it's breaks, [color=00ffff]"How'd you like the Impulse? It was your first time yeah?"[/color] [color=ff0000]"Yeah. A friend of mine is heavy into Dissonant Steel i think the name was. He was helping me through it"[/color] he responded with a nod, pulling the covers off her lower section, his pants matching this top, pajamas or the like most likely. He pushed himself with his hands a bit forward on the bed a bit before raising his hands in the other's direction, placing his hands on his shoulders as he was lifted up and placed down into the chair, grabbing his legs and lifting them to fit properly on the leg rest. [color=00ffff]"Oh yeah? I don't think I've played that one. I've heard about it a bit though, it's like an MMO, yeah? Would you recommend it?"[/color] he asked after helping him in, unlatching the breaks and starting to push him out of the room. Shun looked behind himself, raising an eyebrow [color=ff0000]"You have a system like this? Oh... and thanks for fitting it in here, I know how much trouble you had to go through. Otherwise, yeah, it's fine the few hours i played of it, some of the non-player characters i guess you could call them can be real annoying but. The game is fun so far"[/color] [color=00ffff]"Oh, no not currently, it's a bit over my budget but, one can always save up yeah? And don't worry about it, your.... er... yeah, don't worry about it"[/color] he said, walking down the hall, various people making their way hither and thither, most dressed in long white coats or scrubs. Shun blew out his nose in amusement, [color=ff0000]"Smooth Jessy. Real smooth"[/color] before shortly hearing behind himself, [color=00ffff]"Well maybe i should schedule you for a therapist judging by the disdain you hold every time i mention your father.[/color]. Shun looked behind himself and frowned, [color=ff0000]"That's not funny"[/color] The pair arrived at an elevator, Jessy pushed the call button while waiting in front of the door, [color=00ffff]"I'm not joking. All I know of him is what he's put into the media and knowing people like him, people have a vested interest in speaking favorably. And yes, that includes myself"[/color]. [color=ff0000]"Scared of costing your job that donation are you"[/color] he blew out of his nose again, [color=ff0000]"It's whatever. What's for dinner?"[/color] Jessy smiled and walked the pair into the elevator, pressing the button for the fourth floor, [color=00ffff]"And you're calling me smooth with a topic change like that huh? The kitchen is making Indian Curry and Tomato Soup as the alternative"[/color] The boy sitting in front of him nodded just slowly and kept silent for the rest of the journey, being pushed out of the elevator and into a large open room with shiny, waxed floors, mattresses strewn about, some pushed up against the wall, with various racks of sports equipment laying around. [color=ff0000]"Remind me again why i have to do this. I never did well in P.E. and never felt like i should have"[/color] Shun said, taking the weights handed to him. [color=00ffff]"Because your legs are built for getting you around, not your hands. You don't want to get dead tired after pushing your chair for five minutes do you? You're going to be using your hands for most things for the time being at least. You'd have to be independent sometime."[/color] Shun sighed and nodded in acknowledgement to that, [color=ff0000]"Fair"[/color] he said slowly, starting the exercise routine as laid out. [hr] A few hours passed without incident, dinner was finished and the day's obligations had passed. Shun was back in the bed, starting the machine again. Blinking a few times and looking over their elfish form, taking a few steps forward and backwards, looking around, leaving the area now that the objective had been completed. Opening the messaging system before sending sending [Usernames] a message [color=45bd2a]"I'm back until bedtime. I'll be around the area"[/color] before looking about, something catching their eye. Something that had somehow escaped their notice before; even here in this dead land there was still growth, the most hardy ones to be sure but still growth, mushrooms and fungal growth could be found on the ground or some buildings, moss creeping up the walls. Totsurugi walked towards one of the walls, placing her hand on the moss and speaking [color=gray][Probe][/color]. She nodded her head twice before taking out her notebook and scribbling into it, "Deadlands = Necrotic and Poison effect. Local monsters likely immune given lack of blood for poison and lack of 'life' to turn necrotic" before closing it and setting out to test that hypothesis. [color=gray][Absorb][/color]. The moss beneath her palm fading away. It didn't take long to find one of the hunchback skeletons Beardo has so quickly cleaved down before before taking aim at one of them, chanting [color=gray][Adaptive Bolt][/color] and firing off a dark green bolt of energy, only for two numbers to pop up, one in the normal, plain text notifying the damage from the bolt, and a sickly green [color=0e510a][Immune][/color] confirming her suspicions. She flung off several more bolts until the skeleton fell down dead... or whatever the term was called when the dead re-died. [color=45bd2a]"That reminds me..."[/color] Totsu mumbled to herself, looking up her spell list and hovering over her new one, grayed out. She read the tooltip again before nodding and kneeling down when she got to a small patch of mushrooms, holding her hand over it before chanting [color=gray][Parasite][/color], a glint of light shone under it, the effect looking similar to that of her signature skill except instead of flowing into her hand, it all flowed towards a central point, the glint of light that started to grow steadily, once it had absorbed it's target all that was left was a near-translucent crystal. Gathering a few more she finally found another skeleton that was isolated enough before holding her staff in front of her and chanting [color=gray][Nature's Reclamation]![/color] As she cast the skill she felt an alien feeling, at once feeling five separate and distinct examples of strength, yet somehow she understood it how powerful she wanted her spell to be based on how many crystals she was ready to consume. Mentally focusing on the first level, there was a short flash of light from her bag before roots started to grow from the wood of her staff, crawling up her hands, down her body and down her feet, rooting her in place as the roots spread in all directions, with the one Skeleton being the one living thing in range the roots found it and started to climb up it's form, rooting it's legs down to the ground before starting to syphon the magical life form out of it. What felt like an eternity to Totsurugi's mind was probably no more than ten seconds before the skeleton crumbled and a pulse of energy traveled across the root-like vines, back to Totsu and filling out a portion of her Temporary MP bar. She continued on experimenting little by little, collecting various growth she could find, seeing what she could absorb and what not, jutting down in her book when something felt off and killing the occasion skeleton here and there, mostly just passing time until Beardo came back.