[hider=Golem][table][color=red][h1][b]Golem[/b][/h1][/color][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/201196919337385984/811607148257214494/419989d1f441f4135d5742d92670473b.jpg?width=379&height=467[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b][color=red]LIFESPAN:[/color][/b] 100 years and 1 Day| [b][color=red]HEIGHT:[/color][/b] Highly variable. Generally 7-8 feet. | [b][color=red]WEIGHT:[/color][/b] Highly variable. Large ones are generally 11,000-22,000 lbs | [b][color=red]FREQUENCY:[/color][/b] Rare | [b][color=red]MAIN SETTLEMENT:[/color][/b] Exusia | [/center] [/cell][cell] [b][color=red]DESCRIPTION[/color][/b] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [INDENT] Less of a race and more of a tool, golems are semi-sentient beings composed of inorganic material such as clay, stone, or iron. The process of making a golem is time and resource-intensive, requiring detailed carving, the sacrifice of many animals, and loads of incantations. It can take an entire team of wizards months to build just one golem, but the results are extremely worth it. Golems are enormous, powerful, and easy to control. They can lift their body weight, meaning most golems can lift literal tons of weight. The force of a golem’s punch can bend steel and shatter brick. If you are about to be punched by a golem, your best course of action is to put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye. The material of a golem is usually hard, such as metal or stone, and as such golems are extremely durable. Weapons like swords or spears, or elements such as fire, deal basically no damage to a golem, and they do not wear down easily. Once made, a golem’s form becomes magically inert, meaning that it cannot be altered by rock or metal-bending magic. Finally, a golem does not require food, water, or air to survive, though they do need to occasionally sleep or the magic holding their bodies together weakens. They have incredible endurance and do not need to be fed. These aspects make golems useful for many purposes, from guarding important buildings or figures to manual labor such as mining or porting. Golems are by no means unstoppable though. They may be strong, but they are extremely slow due to their bulk. A golem’s top speed is around 4 miles per hour, a slow jog basically, and their attacks are extremely telegraphed. While structures may be unable to move, a person with even decent dexterity could easily dodge a golem’s punch. Additionally, stone golems don’t do well with concussive or blunt force. Rock is strong, but brittle, and so golems are liable to crack and break if hit by sufficient blunt force. The general military solution to a golem is cannonfire, as the force of a cannon is strong enough to destroy a golem completely and golems are too slow to get out of a cannon’s way. For the average melee fighter, taking on a golem is extremely challenging, but it is possible. Golems are held together at the joints by arcane sigils and if those sigils are broken, the spell holding that part of the golem together ends. Breaking one of those sigils will cause whatever limb it’s holding onto to fall off, weakening the golem. Another weakness of the golem is its inflexible thinking. Golems barely have free will, and while logical, they are simple-minded creatures. They are distinctly uncreative and seldom ever consider an indirect or out-of-the-box solution to a problem. If the first idea a golem comes up with fails, it will most likely give up, and golems are suckers for creative traps. Finally, a golem has a predetermined lifespan. A golem will live exactly 100 years and 1 day, and then the arcane battery powering it will sputter out and the golem will revert to a pile of inanimate stone. Every golem has a talisman bound to them at the time of their awakening ritual. This talisman is made from the same material that the golem is and is covered with intricate runes. These talismans are guarded closely or entrusted to powerful spellcasters, as they contain the power to control the golem they were made for. While under the sway of a talisman, a golem has zero free will and performs its tasks exactly as it is told with no variation. It will continue that task until it is told to stop, even if said task completely destroys them. A talisman is inseparably bound to one golem and one golem alone, and if it breaks, the golem loses its form and dies… except when it doesn’t (intentional cliffhanger for Maxx’s character). [/INDENT][/cell][/row][/table][/hider]